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Zack Rogers (’12)

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wake Forest chapter.

Name: Zack Rogers (‘12)
Hometown: Massapequa, New York
Major: Health and Exercise Science

Her Campus (HC): So what do you do around campus?
Zack Rogers (ZR): I’m part of YACAS (Young Adult Cancer Awareness Society).  Actually, I’m a founding member. I work in the intensive care unit at the hospital doing physical therapy. I know that’s not really on campus, but it’s something that I spend a lot of my time on. I’m also in a bunch on intramurals. My favorites would have to be football, basketball and softball.
HC: What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
ZR: I love to jet-ski and doing anything that involves water! I love working out and being healthy.
HC: What’s your favorite place on campus to study?
ZR: The library, 6th floor cubicles.You know the one with the little desk and the really uncomfortable chairs? Those ones. I don’t know why, but that’s where I get most of my work done.
(Kudos, Zack! Wish we could crack down on the studying like you do …)
HC: What did you do this summer?
ZR: I have a research fellowship at Wake in the Health and Exercise Department. And every year during summer I have this big party with a bunch of my friends from Wake that come to my house to catch up.
HC: Research? Sounds intense! What exactly are you doing?
ZR: I’m researching with Dr. Michael Berry, chair for the HES Department. We are researching if a physical therapy intervention program for ICU patients will decrease their length of stay in hospital. I actually started this in October and am continuing with it this summer.
HC: So what started this yearly Wake fest?
ZR: This is the second year we have had it. It’s called ‘Rogapalooza.’ We call it that because that’s my last name—Rogers. We started it last year because a lot of my friends were going abroad, and we didn’t want to go months without seeing each other. My friends and I started joking about having this huge party at my house, jet skiing and stuff, and I said I would do it. And of course they started busting my chops that I wouldn’t do it, so I had to do it! My parents helped me plan it, and we had about 40 kids at my house just hanging out and eating and being on the water. This year we called it ‘Rogapalooza: Reloaded.’ We made tank tops with the name so everyone gets a little memento from the party.

HC: What actor would play you in a movie about your life?
ZR: Adam Sandler. He’s Jewish; I’m Jewish. He likes to be funny; I like to be funny. And someone told me I looked like him once. He’s also a stand-up, successful guy. I think he’d be a good fit.
HC: If you could be a superhero, what superpower would you like to have?
ZR: Super strength or the ability to fly. Can I have both?
HC: Sure you can!
ZR: I’d really like to have both. I don’t want to be able to fly and be weak and not be able to save anyone. Or be super strong and have to walk everywhere.
HC: What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever done in public?
ZR: When I was in 5th grade, a new girl moved in across the street. My dad just got me a new Razor scooter, and I felt like I was the sh*t. I was riding down the street trying to look really cool, and she waved at me so I waved back … and ran into a parked car. I started crying because it hurt so much. Even though I was only in 5th grade it was still really embarrassing.
HC: Did she at least try to comfort you?
ZR: No not really … she called her mom and said this boy is crying outside because he’s hurt.
HC: What’s your typical morning ritual?
ZR: Wake up, grab a couple slices of toast and head to the gym to get my workout for the day done. Oh, and brush my teeth. I’m not grimy.  
HC: Have you ever used a pickup line on a girl?
ZR: Yes, what guy hasn’t?
HC: What’s your favorite pickup line?
ZR: You’re going to think I’m superficial, but I’m only telling you this because you won’t think I’m superficial, okay?
HC: Ok, I promise!
ZR: When I was in high school and even during summer, when I meet a girl I’ll ask her something along the lines of: Hey, why don’t you come back with me to my beach house to have dinner and go jet skiing? It usually works out okay.
 *Photography by Elise Wallace and Zack Rogers