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Tips on Staying Healthy In College

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wake Forest chapter.

It’s not a secret that being healthy in college is hard. Everyone has been warned about the “Freshman 15.” All of the sudden, you no longer get a balanced home-cooked meal but are opened up to an all-you-can-eat style cafeteria for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. And with a ton of hard classes and club activities on your plate, it can be almost impossible to find time to work out. Here are some ways to still stay healthy in a sometimes, unhealthy college environment: 

Eat a good breakfast.

I know so many people who don’t eat breakfast! But it is seriously the most important meal of the day. A quick banana or Greek yogurt in the morning will kick start your metabolism and keep you from feeling starving at lunchtime. It will also help you to feel more awake and focused in those early morning classes! 

Don’t keep unhealthy snacks in your room.

If there is candy in my room, I will eat it: I have no self-control! The only way to make sure I don’t snack on unhealthy things is by just not keeping them around! I only buy snacks that I know are healthy, like fruit, yogurt, and Skinny Pop. That way, if I end up snacking, it’s okay because I’m actually eating foods that are good for me! 

Plan out what you’re going to eat. 

Before going to the cafeteria, mentally decide what you want to eat. That way you won’t be tempted by all the many unhealthy options available. You can go straight for what you’ve planned to eat and make sure you eat healthy! 

Don’t deprive yourself. 

Saying “I’m cutting out carbs” or “no sweets for a month” is only going to make you crave those things more. It’s okay to indulge in a dessert or fast food every once in a while! Eating these in small quantities will keep the cravings off but still keep you healthy. 

Exercise with friends. 

Sometimes just the action of getting to the gym or a workout class is hard. Find a friend who likes the same types of workouts you do, and workout together! You’ll hold each other accountable and motivate each other. Plus, it’s way more fun to exercise when you have a friend to cheer you on! 


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Girly girl. Pinterest addict. Actress.
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Betsy Mann

Wake Forest