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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wake Forest chapter.

Name: Sam Bloom

Hometown: Chicago, IL

Year: Freshman

Major: Undecided

Relationship Status: Single

A starter for the tennis team and single? Ladies, line on up. He’s funny, smart, and even has a date suggestion… Meet this week’s Campus Cutie, Sam Bloom.

HC (HerCampus):  We all know that Valentine’s Day just passed; did you have any special plans?

SB (Sam Bloom):  I actually finally just got to relax some, we had a couple days off from tennis because of all the big matches that we have had recently.  It was nice to finally be able to go out and just be with friends again.

HC:  You just took my next question, ‘what are you involved in on campus?’ You’re obviously on the tennis team, how are you liking that?

SB:  This year has been really great, we had a match two weekends ago against Tennessee and they are ranked #13, we are #36; but the final score was 4-3, so we were really close to beating them. All our guys played great.

HC:  When is the next home match?

SB:  March 1st against Oklahoma, ranked #9.  It’s going to be a really big match so everyone should come cheer us on. We’re going to be beat them and it’s going to be a big win!

HC:  How long have you been playing tennis?

SB:  Since I was 6 years old; it started as an activity to get me and my older brother out of the house, but the more I played, the better I got.  My brother and I started playing together, and then I went on to play varsity all through high school and, now that Wake has recruited me, I start for the team here. I guess my brother is pretty decent too; he plays at Princeton.


HC:  What a family! Are you glad you chose Wake?

SB:  Yeah, I signed my junior year of high school, and really liked Wake’s campus. Classes are really good as long as you choose the right ones.  People are really friendly here and all the kids on my hall are great.

HC:  Do you play any other sports?  Or do you have a hidden musical talent?

SB:  Absolutely not, music is not my gift at all.  I played basketball growing up some but tennis was obviously my main sport. I still love basketball though.  The Chicago Bulls are my favorite team– Derrick Rose is the man.  He’s one of the best players in the league. My parents used to take me to games when I was a kid, so basketball has always been a part of my life too.

HC:  Besides athlete, give us five adjectives to describe you.

SB:  Funny, outgoing, smart, dedicated, and good-looking.

HC:  Any hidden talents?

SB:  I guess I’m a pretty good comedian.  My friends say that I can be witty.

HC:  Okay, moving onto the hard questions.  What is the first thing that you see in a girl?

SB:  Her eyes.

HC:  Best color is…

SB:  Blue.

HC:  What is the biggest turn off?

SB:  Annoying laughs and when girls talk too much.  Not in a rude way, just when a girl is too loud and obnoxious and I can’t even talk to her.

HC:  Fair enough.  Who is your celebrity crush?

SB:  Kate Hudson, she’s gorgeous and has a great body.

HC:  So you meet this gorgeous girl who looks like Kate Hudson, what’s your pick-up line?

SB:  Are you from Tennessee?  ‘Cause you’re the only 10 I see.

HC:  Have any guilty pleasures?

SB:  I love junk food; that’s probably a bad thing considering I’m supposed to be an athlete and eat healthy all the time.


HC:  Are there any accents that you’re attracted to?

SB:  Australian.  Not sure where that came from but that’s definitely the one.

HC:  What is your dream first date with your Australian Kate Hudson?

SB:  A romantic dinner and a long walk along the beach. It has to end with cuddling too. Or, if a girl took me out to a Bulls game…that would be the absolute best first date.  The Charlotte Bobcats and Chicago Bulls game tickets are on sale at the Benson Ticket Office… Just sayin’.

HC:  Girls, that was a pretty easy hint!  Okay, just a few more questions for you.  What is one thing that you would never be caught wearing?

SB:  A bowtie. Despite being a Wake guy, I would never wear one.

HC:  How did you survive football season?

SB:  I just didn’t wear a bowtie; I’ll wear anything but that.

HC:  If you could have dinner with one person who would it be and why?

SB:  Morgan Freeman because he seems like a really intelligent, interesting guy beyond the acting.

HC:  What has been your favorite experience at Wake so far?

SB:  Being at the NC State game when we won and stormed the court. That’s something that I will remember for a lifetime.

HC:  Sam, thanks so much for letting HerCampus interview you!  Leave us with your life philosophy.

SB:  Don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t do something.

A Communications major and Journalism minor from New Jersey, Ellie has been writing for HerCampus for almost 3 years now. Known for her sassy personality and sunny outlook on life, Ellie prides herself on her confidence and composure- especially when it comes to how she writes! Ellie is the oldest of four girls, and in her free time loves a good book, the beach, and coffee of any variety. An active writer and blogger, Ellie is so pleased to have taken over the role of Editorial Campus Correspondent for HC-WakeForest, and looks forward to another year of lots of HCLove.