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10 Healthy Snack Ideas

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wake Forest chapter.

I love snacks! There is no way I could get through the day without them. But with so many unhealthy options available in grocery stores these days, they can definitely get the best of you. Try out these 10 snacks instead for a delicious, but healthy mid-day treat: 

Apples and Peanut Butter 

This is a classic. The combination is perfect, and it’s just enough sweet and salty to satisfy cravings while also staying healthy! It is also something you can easily eat on the go and find in a college dining hall. 

Avocado Toast

This is all the rage right now! I swear I see a snap-story with avocado toast every day. But seriously, avocados are so good for you and give you mono-unsaturated fat (good fat!) that is essential for your diet. Combine it with whole grain bread and you will get an extra boost to last you between meals.    Hummus and veggies

Hummus is always a good idea. Chickpeas give you protein, and veggies give you vitamins and fiber. It’s a great combo and is sure to be a delicious way to get through the day. 


Greek yogurt and berries

Yogurt isn’t just for breakfast! Greek yogurt is a perfect mid day snack packed with protein. Try a no-sugar added yogurt such as Fage: it has 18 grams of protein! With some fresh fruit on top, it will fuel your day and help you feel healthy and satisfied. 


Smoothies are so refreshing and delicious! If you’re craving a milkshake, try a smoothie instead. With fresh fruit, juice, or yogurt, a smoothie can give you the vitamins and minerals your body is probably craving. Also, a smoothie is a great way to sneak in some extra healthy items! Try adding spinach, chia seeds, or kale to a berry smoothie, you won’t even be able to taste them!


Another breakfast food that doesn’t only have to be eaten in the morning! Whole grain oatmeal or steel-cut oatmeal is so good for you and always tastes delicious with fruit or a little bit of cinnamon on top. It will fill you up way more than an average processed snack and give you lasting energy! 

Small cup of soup

Soup is a great snack for the upcoming winter months. Just a small cup of veggie soup can help you warm up and make you feel satisfied until dinnertime. 

Frozen yogurt covered fruit

This is so easy to make and so delicious. Dip some blueberries into Greek yogurt and then pop them in the freezer! They taste like candy, but are so delicious and good for you. Score!


You don’t just have to eat edamame at Asian restaurants. Frozen edamame is really easy to heat up in the microwave and is packed with protein. It will seriously last you and give you the energy you need to finish your day strong! 

Whole Grain Muffin 

Try making your own muffin with whole grains, fruit, or nuts. If you bake them on the weekend, you can have them as a snack for the rest of the week, no stress! You can also make a lot at once and stick them in the freezer. They are a great alternative to store bought muffins pumped with added sugar. There are so many great recipes online and so many different kinds so get creative! 


Photos courtesy of: http://www.kitchentreaty.com/whole-wheat-pumpkin-oat-muffins/







Girly girl. Pinterest addict. Actress.
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Betsy Mann

Wake Forest