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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at VCU chapter.

Dear AFO Student,

It’s no secret that by this point in the semester, you’re no stranger to the all-nighters, endless documenting of work and feelings of nervousness and/or excitement before a crit day. You’ve most likely bonded with classmates over the grueling amount of time spent on one assignment, or freaked out about how little time you have to complete one. You ask yourself, why stay in your dorm when Bowe Street has practically become a second home?

Yes, it may seem tedious and pointless at times, but it is all a learning experience. The purpose of the Art Foundation Program is to show students the determination required in being an artist. Putting time and passion into your assignments are what truly make it all worthwhile. Although it is possible you may not have the studio and research class that you prefer at first, know that it will pay off. You will meet many different people, who all have different perceptions of art. You will learn how to heighten your skills in certain mediums that you aren’t normally comfortable with. You will make mistakes. Don’t be afraid to fail.

Being in the program can give you a new confidence that you haven’t had before. You may not be the best at drawing, or have any experience with editing films. But after pushing yourself beyond your comfort zone, I’m sure you never imagined yourself buying or producing half of the things you have so far. For example, there is a pretty strong chance this may be your first time working in the woodshop, but with time and determination, you’ve created a piece that you’re immensely proud of. Or, you may ask yourself, why the hell do I need this much cardboard? But you ended up creating an amazing piece with it. The beauty of being in Art Foundations with hundreds of other students is that you all share the same experience for one year before all going off into your separate majors. This one year truly shows you and everyone around you how you can achieve whatever you dedicate time and energy to.

Another important tip: Manage. Your. Time. In the beginning of the semester, it may seem like you have an ample amount of time before you even start to think about building your portfolio in the spring, but it’s always better to think ahead. The last thing you’d want is to have to scramble along with hundreds of other students to photograph and document your work at the last minute. Start thinking now about your best pieces, and how you can arrange them in a manner that’s comprehensive and shows off your potential as an artist.

Lastly, enjoy it. Enjoy this first year of college, as well as being in one of the best art schools in the nation. Use AFO as a platform to launch your own personal success, inside and outside of class time. It will pay off, I guarantee it!


A Fellow AFO Student


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Brezaja is a sophomore studying film in the School of the Arts at Virginia Commonwealth University. When not writing articles for Her Campus at VCU, you can usually find them endlessly browsing Netflix or checking social media, mostly Instagram and Twitter. They try to be as open-minded as possible, and don't mind having conversations with others about social issues. After college, they dream of being an art director for films.
Keziah is a writer for Her Campus. She is majoring in Fashion Design with a minor in Fashion Merchandising. HCXO!