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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at VCU chapter.

Lately, I have been doing a lot of thinking about the opponents of feminism and the more I think about the subject the more I notice my anger growing. Maybe anger isn’t quite the right word; perhaps I should use confusion or disbelief. In the 21st century, we still have people who disagree with gender equality and organizations whose existences undermine the core principles of feminism. Personally, I find it difficult to comprehend what an opposition to equal rights for women could be. What notion could someone possibly conceive that would lead to a disagreement of equal rights? What flusters me the most is the uprising of “meninists” that have surfaced around the social media world. My real question is: what does it take to become a meninst?

After conducting my own research on the growing social group, I have come up with a few essential characteristics that every meninist must have. Before attaining the high social status one only earns from partaking in the esteemed discriminative group, you must be inherently sexist. Step one is to disregard any value of a woman you may have previously held. Women exist to cater to men and they are capable of nothing more. After you have ditched any sense of respect you may have had for us ladies, you must then resort to calling us demeaning names while degrading our worth. After these first two vital steps have been completed it’s time to sexualize women and demote the seriousness of rape and sexual assault by blaming the woman or discrediting her based on gender.

Basically, to embody what it truly means to be a meninist you must turn yourself into a soulless, disgusting human being; then maybe, just maybe, you can officially call yourself the scum of the earth and crack open a beer with all of your fellow meninists. In 2016, how can we still allow hate groups to thrive?

Technically, us women are what keep the male population in existence. I guess that’s why I’m so intrigued by this topic; without women there would be no men. With that being said, women should not be depicted as inferior and incapable, we are resilient and should be treated as so. If anything, I feel empowered ranting about my angst on the Internet. Look at that; a woman speaking her mind, not worried about pleasing a man but only worried about relaying a message. I categorize myself as a feminist because everyone deserves the ability to be heard and meninsts cannot weaken that notion by continuing to mock our social movement. Meninists attempt to victimize themselves by saying that feminism just spreads hate toward males and although somehow that has become a common misconception… I don’t hate men, but I DO hate meninists.

Keziah is a writer for Her Campus. She is majoring in Fashion Design with a minor in Fashion Merchandising. HCXO!