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What NOT to Wear- According to Vandy Boys

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Vanderbilt chapter.

Talking to Vandy boys, it seems that we Vandy girls are commiting a ton of fashion faux pas! (At least I am!) It may come as a shocker, but here are some styles that the boys are not digging right now: 

Jeans with Holes- “They’re not classy”

Photo: kaynou.wordpress.com

Tights as Pants- “Definitely not flattering”


Photo: awifeofmaterial.wordpress.com

Ugg Boots- “They’re hideous”

Photo: zigoti.com

Yellow Jeans- “Thhey look like a bumblebee”

Photo: yellowjeans-more.blogspot.com

Fur Vests- “You look like an animal”

Photo: stylishcurves.net

High-Waisted Pants- “This isn’t the ’70s”


Photo: highwaistedskinnyjeans.org

So girls, it looks like we might need to do some closet cleaning! But if you REALLY like those fur vests or yellow jeans, be sure to keep wearing them. After all, who cares what Vandy boys think? We have a right to our own style, so feel free to keep rocking these styles if you want!

Jessica Pawlarczyk is a junior at Vanderbilt University where she is majoring in Sociology and Spanish. Besides Her Campus, Jessica is involved in newspaper, APO service fraternity, math tutoring and youth mentoring. She enjoys playing tennis, reading Jodi Picoult novels and finding new "pins" for her Pinterest page in her spare time. Jessica is incredibly excited to be a part of the Her Campus team!