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#Real Talk College Advice

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Vanderbilt chapter.
Listen up, collegiettes. Coming to Vandy is probably the biggest change you’ve ever experienced. While that seems scary, it’s actually a good thing. You’re pushing yourself outside of your comfort zone to make your life better. I just finished my first year here, so the memories of Commons are still fresh. Here are some tips that I wish I would have known a year ago. 
All the pictures are actually from my first semester, so if you’re feeling awkward, we’ve all been there :)
1. You’ll be lonely. At first. College is a huge transition and most students’ first time leaving everything they know behind. Especially at Vanderbilt, most of us don’t have our high school friends by your side. It’s going to take more than a week to make friendships that are as strong your ten year bond with your best friends from home. That’s ok. Vandy has tons of different people and personalities and a niche for everyone.
2. You don’t have to do all the reading. My Freshman Writing Seminar professor assigned ninety pages of reading for each class. I drove myself crazy the first few weeks trying to understand every single word of reading for that class and for all my other classes. Try out different reading and study skills and see what works best for you.
3. You should do most of the reading! Your GPA is especially important first semester because it is the foundation for all your other grades. You don’t have to do all the reading to get a good grade, but you also can’t ignore your textbooks. 
4. Stand by your girls. Even if you only talked to the girl who lives across the hall once, if you see that she’s had too much to drink or is in trouble, help her out. 
5. Have fun! I could list so many cliches about college here, but really, you only get to do your undergrad years once. Make the most of this time starting now.
The most important thing to remember: it’s going to be okay! Everyone is going through the same thing and you will get through it. Good luck and anchor down!