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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Vanderbilt chapter.
Name: Jeff Tang
Hometown: Jacksonville, Florida
Major/minor: Economics, potentially financial economics.
Relationship status: Single
On campus involvement: Students Consulting for Nonprofit Organizations, Alternative Spring Break
5 words to describe yourself: Weird, tenacious, optimistic, unabashed, intense
Favorite Movie: Spirited Away. A familiar coming-of-age story against a fantastic and beautifully rendered traditional Japanese backdrop
Favorite Nashville restaurants: So many to name, but I’ll try: Woodlands, Korea House, Chinatown, Ken’s Sushi, Taqueria del Sol– that’s too many
Favorite food to cook: Takoyaki (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Takoyaki) is super fun to make.
Why Chicago?: “I Will:” from rebuilding after the Great Fire to manipulating the height of L stations back in the early 1900s in a way that civil engineers to this day can’t explain. Its steadfast commitment to follow through on what it must do is genuinely inspiring. Not to mention it was the birthplace of house music and improvised comedy which are two of my favorite things. 
Ideal date: It would be in an empty movie theatre or auditorium, pizza in hand, with an iPod hooked up to the audio system. We’d spend the night listening to our favorite albums and talking about music until morning.  
My type: Mysterious, perhaps tough to figure out, reads a lot, very passionate about what they’re studying.
Celebrity crush: Cecily Strong. Hilarious, gorgeous, down-to-earth – her tenure as Weekend Update host honestly made SNL worth watching. 
Biggest turn on: Genuine curiosity about what makes the world tick
Biggest turn off: Willingly embracing ignorance. Automatically giving up on figuring something out when it seems too hard.
Career aspirations: I’d like to get into investment management, especially endowments and foundations investing. I get financial aid from Vanderbilt and one day I’d like to give that gift to another aspiring college student. 
Random talent: I produce electronic music and DJ. 
Item on your bucket list: Get an album released on a (somewhat well-known) label. Positive review from AllMusic optional.
Favorite thing about Vanderbilt: There’s something here for everyone. Financier, biologist, historian, musician: all are welcome.
Guilty pleasures: Playing video games alone. Cooking with Dog (the YouTube show). Videos of awkward moments on live TV. 
Favorite thing to binge watch on Netflix: 30 Rock, all day, everyday, high fiving a million angels
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Jules Wilson


I'm a girl caught between being a Northerner and a Southerner, but currently residing in Music City. My dorm room is covered in tapestries from Bonnaroo, black and white photos of Paris, a Van Gogh painting-in-a-poster, blue and white christmas lights, and an array of Taylor Swift posters (she is queen). My dream is to write for Marie Claire magazine.