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Her Campus Takes Impeccable Pig

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Vanderbilt chapter.

This past Thursday, our lovely events chair, Christina, organized an event with Impeccable Pig, a boutique just off campus in Hillsboro Village. From 6-7:30, Impeccable Pig held a shopping event for us, with 20% off on all purchases!

The new spring/summer clothes are super cute, and just about everyone found something new to treat themselves with.

Stacey, my lovely co-campus correspondent made us some delicious snacks to munch on while shopping

We had such a great turn out that people were lining up for their turn in the changing rooms!

Trying on clothes is always the most exciting part

So obviously, we all left with much heavy bags and closer-to-empty bank accounts! 

Thank you Impeccable Pig for such a great event! We had a blast!

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Niina Kurki
