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Dresses Fit for Graduation

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Vanderbilt chapter.


For those of you who are seniors, the time has come to pick out your graduation dress. Finding the perfect dress is not an easy feat, as there are multiple criteria that must be met. Fore example, the dress cannot be too short, reveal too much skin, or be too tight. I know that as a college student, most of your dresses probably comprise of the latter, but the dress that landed you a cute boy at Tin Roof is not going to work on one of the most memorable and important days in your life. If you are still looking for the perfect dress, then continue reading because I have a list of perfect options.

Kate Spade Sawyer Dress, $358

Kate Spade Terri Dress, $448

BCBG Emily Strapless Dress with Rosettes, $368

BCBG Lee Short-Sleeve A-Line Dress, $198  

I hope these dresses gave you some ideas to help you find your perfect dress. It is crucial that you find one that helps you exude confidence as you accept your hard-earned diploma. When you look back at your graduation photos twenty years from now, you don’t want to look back in horror at your horrible dress choice- instead, you want to feel pride.

Stacey Oswald, originally from South Florida, came to Vanderbilt as a member of the class of 2015 and got involved with HerCampus her freshman year. She became assistant editor that year and is now the Campus Correspondent for Vanderbilt HC as a sophomore. Stacey is currently a columnist for Ask Miss A- Nashville and the life section of The Hustler. She's also very involved in her sorority, Kappa Delta, as well as Invisible Children. Outside of school and her extracurriculars, Stacey finds happiness in many sources, the most crucial being exercise and the sun. She loves to attend exercise classes and is an avid runner; she recently completed the Country Music Half Marathon. She also loves Vitamin D, especially when on the beach- though of course, she only soaks up the sun after applying SPF. A few of the things Stacey couldn't live without? Good food (especially from Sweet Cece's, Bricktops, and Samurai Sushi), great books (The Hypnotist's Love Story is a recent favorite), her family back in Florida, her wonderful boyfriend, and all of the great friends she's made at Vanderbilt.