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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Vanderbilt chapter.

Name: Camden Cutright

Hometown: Greensboro, North Carolina

Major: Chemical Engineering

Relationship status: Single ;)

On campus involvement: Undergraduate Research, VSVS, Spikeball Club, and several Intramural sports

5 words to describe yourself: Charming, Witty, Athletic, Competitive, and Brilliant

Ideal first date: Well it would have to happen in late spring, we would grab a nice lunch first. Then we’d go outside in the beautiful afternoon and play putt-putt or Frisbee golf or really anything interactive that gave us a chance to talk and laugh and get to know one another.

Celebrity crush: Olivia Wilde

Special skills: Slacklining, Juggling, and more recently Swimsuit modeling

Favorite thing about Vanderbilt: I love how easy it is to join people. Not just meet people, but actually share laughter and fun with perfect strangers. Sure, everyone has their friend groups, but if you see a group of people dancing or playing or even just talking, you can break off and join them and have fun without feeling like you are intruding on them or that they wouldn’t want you share that moment with them.

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Niina Kurki
