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8 Must-See Summer Movies

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Vanderbilt chapter.

Summer is a time for sunshine, ice cream cones, outdoor adventures, and… MOVIES! Yup, that’s right, your sunburnt skin can only take so much abuse. Give your skin a break in your local theatre, and catch up on some of the amazing movies set to release during the next four months. Your skin will thank you, and so will your friends, because even the beach can get boring if you go too much! 

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (May 2) – This sequel to a series reboot features everyone’s favorite real-life couple, Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone. Plus, it’s an awesome superhero movie that both you and your guy friends will enjoy. Get a big crew together and go see this movie ASAP- it opens today! 

Neighbors (May 9) – Let’s face it- you’re not in college if you’re not planning on seeing this movie. It stars Zac Efron as a frat bro who moves next door to a couple (Seth Rogen and Rose Byrne) with a newborn baby. Hilarity ensues as the frat battles it out with the couple. This is the perfect date night movie, whether your boyfriend is in a fraternity or not! 

The Fault in Our Stars (June 6) – Get your tissues ready, because this movie is going to make you cry. Shailene Woodley is absolutely perfect as Hazel Grace, and the guy playing Augustus Waters looks pretty cute, too. Just don’t try dragging your guy to this flick- go with your girlfriends, who would never dream of judging you for sobbing through the whole movie! 

They Came Together (June 27) – This is a “rom-com” that your boyfriend might actually want to see. Paul Rudd and Amy Poehler star as love interests, which guarantees big laughs. Plus, this rom-com is actually more of a satire of the genre, so it’s bound to be hilarious, original, and basically perfect. This is a must-see! 

Sex Tape (July 25) – The trailer for this film came out a while ago, and it’s HILARIOUS. It tells the story of a couple (Jason Segal and Cameron Diaz) who try to reinvigorate their sex life by making a sex tape. Except it accidentally gets sent to all of their family and friends. Oops?! This raunchy movie will be a ton of fun to see with your best friend or your boyfriend… just not your parents! 

Let’s Be Cops (August 13) – Do you like New Girl? Then you’re going to love this movie, which stars Nick (Jake Johnson) and Coach (Damon Wayans Jr.) from everyone’s favorite TV show. The two dress up as cops for a Halloween party, then decide to carry on the charade and see how far they can take it. From the looks of the trailer, they take it pretty far… and it’s hilarious. This movie comes out right before school stars up in the fall, so plan on seeing it with your college friends when everyone returns to Nash! 

If I Stay (August 22) – Welp… this movie might make you cry harder than The Fault in Our Stars. Chloe Moretz plays a girl who’s deciding whether to live or die when her parents get killed in a car accident. It’s a love story that will also make you appreciate your parents a little bit more- see it with them as a break during move-in weekend. And make sure to read the book before you see the movie! 

Stacey Oswald, originally from South Florida, came to Vanderbilt as a member of the class of 2015 and got involved with HerCampus her freshman year. She became assistant editor that year and is now the Campus Correspondent for Vanderbilt HC as a sophomore. Stacey is currently a columnist for Ask Miss A- Nashville and the life section of The Hustler. She's also very involved in her sorority, Kappa Delta, as well as Invisible Children. Outside of school and her extracurriculars, Stacey finds happiness in many sources, the most crucial being exercise and the sun. She loves to attend exercise classes and is an avid runner; she recently completed the Country Music Half Marathon. She also loves Vitamin D, especially when on the beach- though of course, she only soaks up the sun after applying SPF. A few of the things Stacey couldn't live without? Good food (especially from Sweet Cece's, Bricktops, and Samurai Sushi), great books (The Hypnotist's Love Story is a recent favorite), her family back in Florida, her wonderful boyfriend, and all of the great friends she's made at Vanderbilt.