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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Valdosta chapter.

When you think of being single you automatically put it in a category of something that is undesired. Who wants to be single you may ask yourself, but have you ever looked at in a different perspective? It could be a chance for you to really know yourself and really get inside your mind and decipher the things you may like or dislike. This may ultimately be the stepping stone for committing to a healthy relationship. Not fully understanding yourself before committing to a relationship is a recipe for disaster, and can lead to an unhealthy relationship. So, don’t think of the single life as being boring and lonely, think of it as a way to truly get to know yourself and check out these ways to embrace the single life.


Get into the best shape you’ve ever been in. Utilize this time to not only look for your future significant other but to look and feel good for yourself.


Take the time to get to know yourself ,understand your mind, and know your worth. You can’t expect for someone to truly understand you and know your worth if you don’t truly know yourself. Most importanly love yourself and your own company!


The most important thing to remember is to have fun and enjoy your life without all the drama that comes along with being in a relationship. When you’re single you don’t have to answer to anyone, but when you’re in a relationship your life isn’t only about you. So enjoy it while you can!


Her Campus at Valdosta State.