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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Valdosta chapter.

Ladies, I know it’s about that time. The time for “Cuffing Season,” and yes, it is ideal to be cuddled up in front of a warm fire while drinking hot chocolate on a cold day, because that’s what “Cuffing Season” is all about. If you don’t find a special person this Fall, don’t worry, because I have a reason why I feel there’s more to “Cuffing Season” than just using someone as a glorified blanket. You must think past the few weeks that you want to use another person as just a cuddle buddy.

If you decide to take on a significant other, just for them to keep you warm during the Fall and Winter nights, you might want to think again. If you cuff a bae in the Fall, which could be right now, until roughly the end of November, you will have to be with this person for ALL the major holidays. I don’t know about everyone, but I think this is too short of a notice to alter my plans for the holidays, just because I wanted a someone for “Cuffing Season.”

Here are some possible ways I feel like holiday plans can be altered if you decided to take on a bae for the season:


Imagine having this awesome costume planned for months. You already know what DIY methods you’re using for every part of this fabulous costume idea. Then, out of the blue, your plans change because “Fall Bae” wants to go to the Halloween party as Kim and Kanye because it’s your first big outing as a couple. Now you must go to this party as the cliché obnoxiously cute couple in the themed costumes.


Depending on how fast or slow your new significant other moves, you might get that awkward invitation to their family’s Thanksgiving dinner. At this point in the relationship, it’s too early to determine how you honestly feel about this person, but since they went out of their way to invite you, how could you turn them down. Now, you are stuck at this dinner table with their parents, grandparents, siblings, and fifty cousins all calling you their in-law.


If you think the idea of spending Thanksgiving with a relatively new significant other is awkward, try the whole Christmas experience with them. The two of you wouldn’t know each other well enough yet to buy incredibly thoughtful gifts, like something you’ve wanted for two years. So now, you will have to find a generic gift card that can go to their favorite stores, whichever ones those are.

New Year’s Eve/New Year’s:

Since the middle of August, you and your girlfriends have already decided to get drunk until the new year comes in, but now, you might have to watch the ball drop while holdings hand with Fall (Winter and maybe Spring) Bae. Then, at twelve o’clock in the morning, you can share a romantic first kiss of the year in front of a ton of people you don’t know.

Valentine’s Day:

This brings me to the last major holiday, that “Cuffing Season” bae, could make a little peculiar. By the time February rolls in, you and “Fall Bae” have probably been together for roughly three or four months. That means it would be too early to exchange extravagant promise rings on Valentine’s Day, but you also don’t want to do the juvenile heart-shaped chocolates and card. Now, you must pick a gift that won’t offend or scare your partner.

These reasons may not pertain to every girl, but this is what I think about every time “Cuffing Season” comes around. I look at future situations, and just wanting someone to cuddle with for a few weeks because everyone else is doing it, can change simple things like how you spend your holidays if you let it. Let’s start cuffing baes after February, so by the time “Cuffing Season” comes again, you’ll already have a longtime bae, and everything you two do, including holidays, will be comfortable and natural.


Ketorah Frazier

Valdosta '20

Ketorah is a First Year Sociology Graduate Student at Valdosta State University. Ketorah loves to watch WWE, The Walking Dead, and Broad City. She also enjoys being a room with nothing but music playing, new and old. When she’s not doing that, you can catch her playing her PS4, and talking on the phone with her family and friends. Post-graduation, she plans to pursue a career in Victim Services, and plans to open up her own Non-Profit Organization for ALL Victims of crimes, such as domestic and sexual abuse.
Her Campus at Valdosta State.