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Post Breakup Tips Just in Time for Summertime

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Valdosta chapter.

Let’s face it, breakups suck! I mean they really SUCK! You’re left not knowing what to do or how to get over that jerk who broke your heart. Luckily for you, I have some summertime get over a breakup tips:

1. Cry

Let it all out girl because everybody cries…. sometimes. There’s no need to hold it in, release the watery fireworks and you’ll feel slightly better

2. Vent to a friend

Letting all of your frustrations out to a friend is a good way to getting over a breakup. Think of this step as a more verbal way of letting it all out.

3. Sweets are your friend

I don’t care if you’re on a diet, you deserve some treats during this hard time. Ice cream, cookies, donuts, and whatever kind of sweets are your new best friend… just make sure these sweets don’t become your new boyfriend.

4. New Clothes, No New Hair

Lots of girls going through a breakup wind up getting a new hairdo and end up regretting it. If you want to revamp your style, try throwing out some old clothes that you’re not wearing (or that remind you of ‘you know who’) and replace them with new ones. New you with new clothes but the same good hairdo!

5. G.N.O. aka Girls Night Out

This is not the night your girlfriends help you spot a new guy. This is a night with girlfriends with lots of drinking (if you’re of age), laughs, dancing, and maybe a little eye flirting with the cute guy a couple of tables away

These tips are just some of the MANY ways to get over a breakup. I highly suggest trying these 5 tips and then deciding how you want to be happy on your own. Summertime should be filled with lots of bright sunny smiles!

I'm Jessie Thomas, a junior in college. I'm a fun loving girl who loves music and fashion! Someday I hope to be successful in the entertainment industry.
Her Campus at Valdosta State.