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Life, Love & College: The Beauty and Reality of Being a Woman

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Valdosta chapter.

Who run the world? GIRLS! We have to be the most unique, diverse, and amazing living beings on this earth! Yes I said it! Nothing against the guys, we need them too, but this is HER Campus, and I just want to take a moment and recognize all of us girls. We are all one and the same, yet polar opposites. We all have a mother, maybe a sister, best friend, or a girlfriend! Whatever the case may be, embrace it, love it, and define it. Here are a few things that make us phenomenal. 


Our Emotions

Oh my goodness, we get our emotions involved in everything! Whether you’re the girl who never cries or the girl who can’t sit through a movie without tissue, we all have that soft spot. We tend to think with our hearts and wear our emotions on our sleeves. Although it may get in the way of correct judgment sometimes (I’m guilty of this), it is also what keeps us genuine and caring. Our emotions are both the reason for our heartbreaks and our gifts for falling in love or one day having kids. It’s one of those things you hate to love. 


Our Beauty

Bruno Mars said it best: “Girl you’re amazing just the way you are!” Aren’t we, though? The beauty in our different hair colors, pants sizes, style and face structures make us absolutely gorgeous! We each have a characteristic about us that catches eyes and causes self-mirror dancing. We have the freedom to change hairstyles, add makeup, go all natural, dress up or dress down; it’s a girl thing! It’s all in fun and by choice. The beauty of being a woman alone is that we don’t all look alike. We “woke up like this,” so take your beauty and own it, we’re #flawless! 


Our Strength

All the way back to Rosie the Riveter, women have been capable of doing any and everything! Not in comparison with men, but just in general! We are not limited to one thing and we do it all with grace! We take on bad breakups, periods, waxing, giving birth, high heels, puberty, and everything in between. I give us all a round of applause! We are more than physically strong individuals. When we say we’ve been through it all, we mean it! But we never crack.


Our Intelligence

Yep, we have beauty and brains! Even when we’re wrong, we’re right! We tend to over-analyze even the smallest of issues, but we figure it out. We think strategically and factor in every possibility. We ask all the questions, worry ourselves to death, and rub it in others’ faces later. And we’ll research or investigate anything! But one thing that cannot be taken away from us is our minds; they are our weapons and greatest tools! 


Our Periods

Ugh, those reminders that come every month to let us know our body is working. It sucks, but it has to happen. Even though the symptoms range from girl to girl, it’s no one’s favorite time. It’s nasty and uncomfortable, but at least we can check off not being pregnant! Your period is not an excuse for an unnecessary attitude, but it does have the rightful effect of wanting to stay in bed all day. And hey, we make it through each month; I wish I could see a guy do that!


Our Fun Spirit

We wouldn’t be human if we didn’t all have that wild streak in us! Girls just want to have fun, it’s true! You are only as old as you make yourself feel, so the kid in us never dies. Shopping and taking pictures may be our main hobbies, but we like to get a little dirty sometimes too. As complex as we are, we all have a comfort zone, an once we’re there we’re just as silly as ever! We’re goofy and unpredictable; no need to apologize for that. 


With all these characteristics, aren’t you glad you’re a woman? It truly is something to own and be proud of! No need to envy or dislike the next girl; we can at least agree that these characteristics are in all of us. It’s not all glitz and glamor but it is the beauty and reality of being a woman! You go, girl!

An interior design major at VSU, & a creative genius.
Her Campus at Valdosta State.