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Campus Cutie Krissy Robinson ’17

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Valdosta chapter.

Krissy is a beautiful sophomore here at VSU! Not only is she beautiful, she is also extremely generous and smart. She is very well rounded and passionate about helping others. If you haven’t gotten the chance to meet her, here’s your chance!


Full Name: Kristin Robinson

Hometown: Queens, New York

Classification: Sophomore

Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius

Relationship Status: Taken

Major: Speech Communications (Public Relations)


HC: What made you choose VSU? 

Krissy: The vast diversity of students, my interest in learning about different cultures and my love for traveling helped me in deciding that I wanted to spend the next four years at VSU.  

HC: What do you want to do with your major and why?

Krissy: I would love to work with various network companies and non-profit organizations. I would also use my major as a means of meeting and interacting with people of different cultures. During my summer I work at a non-profit organization in the Bronx in New York called Sustainable South Bronx. The organization works to keep the economy clean and works in greenhouses, and I really enjoy it!

HC: How woud you describe yourself? 

Krissy: would describe myself as caring, kind hearted, outgoing, empathetic and most important always looking for the good in people. I am also very religious and believe that without God nothing is possible.

HC: What are your favorite things to do? 

Krissy: I love reading, shopping and travelling. I also like spending quality time with my family and my pet. My family means the world to me!

HC: What are you passionate about? 

Krissy: One of my greatest passions is helping others and making a difference in their lives. I enjoy helping people find solutions that will help them meet their specific needs.



HC: How do you like to spend your spare time? 

Krissy: I like to spend my spare time with individuals who are not as fortunate as I am and do not have families and are struck with the” loneliness syndrome.” I like to put a smile on their faces and to give them opportunities that they were never given. 

HC: What is your dream date? 

Krissy: My dream date is visiting Dubai with that special person in my life!

HC: What qualities do you look for in a guy?

Krissy: The qualities I look for in a guy is someone who possesses a positive outlook on life, demonstrates respect for others and has valuesHe should also be well mannered and know what is appropriate. I also like someone who is well-groomed, practices good hygiene, well-spoken and is a generous listener. I am blessed to say I have found that special man.

HC: Where do you see yourself in five years?

Krissy: In 5 years I see myself having completed my MSN degree, working with various network companies and non-profit organizations. Possibly doing a second masters or a PhD degree!

Be sure to say hey when you see her around campus and you can follow her on Instragram: @xoxo_krissy!

Michaela Leung is the current Campus Correspondent for Her Campus Valdosta State. She is an honors student studying Mass Media and working on a Cross-Training Certificate in Journalism at Valdosta State University with aspirations to be a music journalist and a news anchor. This New York native enjoys fashion, all kinds of music, socializing, making people laugh and standing up for what is right. Follow her on Instagram and Twitter: michaelaskrunk
Her Campus at Valdosta State.