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5 Ways to Stay Motivated

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Valdosta chapter.

Spring break is over, unfortunately. Now it’s time to get back into the rhythm of classes, homework, and busy schedules. As we enter the month of April, we are getting closer to the end of the semester. It can be hard to stay focused when the end is so near. Nonetheless, the year isn’t over yet. These next few weeks are definitely going to be trying with all of the extra work and the preparation of finals. Here are five ways that you can stay motivated and pull through the remainder of the semester.

1. Set Goals

Setting goals is necessary for every aspect of life. Setting goals can give you something to reach for and look forward to. They can be short term or long term, as simple as aiming for an A on the next test or as big as getting a promotion on the job! Write out your goals by either making a list or if you are creative, you can create a vision board. Goals are reminder of what we aim to accomplish!

2. Self Help/Motivational Books

Reading self help books are another way to stay motivated. They offer useful advice and positive ideas to solving your issues. They can help stay organized and serve as a great guide for the rest of the semester.

3. Exercise

School can really take a toll on your physical health. Stress can have negative effects on our body and drain us of our energy. To regain some of that energy, get your body moving. You can go to the rec, join a gym, or do a few workouts in your room. Exercising can make you feel good, and when you feel better, you perform better. Remember to balance exercise with a healthy diet.

4. Positive Thinking

Sometimes, failure is all in our head. We tend to over analyze situations and we become our biggest critics. Positive thinking is beneficial because it keeps us sane. It’s good to remind yourself of all the great aspects in life. Surround yourself with positive, like minded people. Find a quote or inspirational saying and put it to good use. More often than not, when we think it we believe it. The more you think positively, and get rid of negative energy, the better off you will be.

5. Treat Yourself

After all of your hard work, reward yourself. It’s ok to take a break every now and then. Treat yourself to dinner, papmper yourself, or spend some quality time with friends. Whatever it be, remind yourself that you deserve it. Hard work deserves to be rewarded. Don’t over exert yourself. Accomplisihing one goal can motivate you start another.

Motivation takes determination and focus. Yes, we are coming to the end of the semester, but as stated before, it isn’t over yet. Keep going and finish strong!


I am a third year student at UGA and an intended broadcast journalism major.
Her Campus at Valdosta State.