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This Old Thing: 6 Reasons Why You Should Thrift Shop

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UWindsor chapter.

This Old Thing

6 Reasons Why You Should Thrift Shop


I was browsing the racks when it happened; the perfect find. It happened as these things usually do. I came in looking for something I needed, but instead bought something I didn’t, and yet don’t regret (which is how you know you really love it). I cannot remember what I was looking for to begin with as this glorious find has wiped my mind clear of anything else; it was a red silk bathrobe, the kind you see in 80s movies: short, with sleeves ending at the elbow crease and an embroidered dragon taking up the entire back… it only cost me $11. I got it at the thrift shop.


Here are some reasons why you too should try thrifting.


1.     Good for the Environment

With the growing popularity of the Zero Waste Movement recycling has never been trendier, or more necessary. Take a step towards a more eco friendly wardrobe and recycle your clothes; by donating unwanted items and buying thrift you are giving these items a second life, a life outside of a landfill.



2.     Anti-sweatshop

Trends may pass by quickly but clothes pass more quickly thanks to the fast fashion industry.Fast fashion requires cheap labour to remain profitable, and cheap labour really just means exploited labour. While I’m sure we can all agree sweatshops are reprehensible, it is also true that for many people ethically manufactured clothing is just not accessible due to cost and lack of available vendors to purchase from. Thrift shops are a great way to fill your wardrobe without directly supporting the unethical textile industry.



3.     They’re charitable

A common name for thrift shops is charity shops, and this nickname isn’t for nothing as thrift stores – not to be confused with second hand, vintage, or consignment shops- are not-for-profit businesses, making them a great way to donate money through buying items you need (or don’t). Find out which charities your local thrift shops are affiliated with and go out to support a good cause.




4.     Save Money

Thrift stores get their name because they represent just that: thrifty. The low prices are not just enticing but economically responsible, especially for a student. Save your hard earned cash for experiences (or tuition), and save on fashion.



5.     Experience your city:

Here in Windsor we have a huge assortment of thrift stores, from Value Village, Goodwill, Hope for a Cure, STK, and more. These shops- unlike shopping at a mall or shopping district- tend to be sprawled across the city, so any good thrifting day involves a lot of driving and exploring of your city. On a positive note you can take that road trip around town and discover all the small businesses and neighbourhoods you may have never thought to try out  otherwise.



6.     It’s Fun

Whenever you find something at a thrift shop it is always  something of a miracle; for someone to have bought this dress in the first place, to hold on to it as long as they did and decide to drop it off at the very thrift shop you decided to go is already improbable enough Pair that with the fact that no one else has snagging it yet, and you stumbling upon the only item like it among racks and racks of clothing, makes it even more unlikely. While my love of thrifting is supported by all of the benefits listed above, at the end of the day it is that find -that diamond in the rough- that makes the experience.


So next time you have a day off go to your local thrift shop and discover why you should also love thrifting!


Zoe Parco

UWindsor '19

Before I started writing this I googled "how to write a website bio", and a key piece of advice I picked up was "to be authentic".  However one has to wonder if authenticity is possible when one is trying to be authentic- and in this world of online media, where the selling feature is the supposed authenticity (these are real people like you!) are we really experiencing other peoples lives or a fabricated copy of their realities.  Anyway I'm studying biology and communications at the University of Windsor, my favourite movie is subject to change; although it is currently Trainspotting (1996), and I am a Capricorn.   
Alanna Keren

UWindsor '20

Alanna is currently a 1st year student at the University of Windsor pursuing a degree in Education. She graduated from the University of WIndsor with double major in English and French in 2018. She was Co-CC/Editior in Chief of HCUWindsor from 2015-2018 and is now the Tresaurer and Guidance Counsellor. She is a figure skater and loves to get in some extra ice time in her free time. Her favourite animal is a polar bear and her favourite colour is purple. She love sparkles. Her clothing style is girly and kind of dressy. Sparkly make-up and big earrings are a big part of her look. When she is not doing homework, working at her job at Tootsies Shoe Store, coaching figure skating, or writing for Her Campus, she likes decorating cakes and cupcakes and hanging out with friends.