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The Types of Friends We All Have

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UW Stout chapter.

No matter what kind of person you are, it turns out that you have had multiple kinds of friends. There’s the sweet friend, the slightly sassy friend, the hilarious friend, that friend you can tell anything to, and the list goes on! Maybe you already got it down what kind of friend you are or maybe you are a combination. Find out what kind of friend you are and what kinds of friends you have. 

The Sweetheart

This is that friend that is always complimenting you and making you feel good about yourself. They are constantly keeping you in mind and they have a tendency to buy you snacks spontaneously. The sweetheart is usually a shy person and they would never dream of talking behind your back. However, it is rather hard to dish about that girl on your floor who you just hate to your sweetheart friend because they don’t like to say anything bad about anyone. Take care of your sweetheart friend because this is the person who will definitely sober cab and will always let you borrow their shoes.

The Comedian 

You know that one friend that everytime you see them you just get ready to laugh because you know they are the brink of saying something funny, even if they haven’t already? That’s your comedian friend. They can always make you laugh in even the most unlikely situations. The comedian brings out our most hilarious side that we seem to only channel  when we are with them. This is the friend you should hang out with if you are looking to laugh the whole time, although if you want to have a serious talk about something going on in your life, try a different avenue. 

The Personal Friend

Most commonly known as the best friend. This friend knows absolutely everything about you. Your sex life, your crippling anxiety issue, what you had for lunch that day…everything. You don’t hold back with the personal friend and you might even be comfortable pooping in front of this friend. They would never judge you, mostly because they are just as weird, and you have an incredibly close bond with your personal friend. Don’t let this friendship slip away because there will be few people in your life that you will be this comfortable with. 

The Complainer

You know which one I’m talking about. That friend that always seems to have something negative to say about the matter? You realize that the longer you spend with the complainer, the more complainy you seem to get. This friend isn’t terrible though, they will always listen you to you when you have someone you want to complain about and they won’t judge you when you vocalize exactly how crabby you feel towards someone. In fact, they will probably jump right in and agree with you. Even though the complainer doesn’t sound like the best of friends, you feel a sense of satisfaction knowing you can dish about anyone with this person. A word of advice, don’t make the complainer friend your only friend because they can get to be a bit of a downer after a while.

The Partier

True to their title, the partier is always up for a good time. They are your main hook up when looking for somewhere to go on a Friday night and some of your craziest memories are made with this friend. They are just a fun person overall and everyone seems to love them, in fact, you feel a little sense of pride just knowing such a cool and well liked person. 

The Fighter

If you were ever to get in an fight with someone, do it while you are with the fighter friend. They will most definitely have your back and you won’t even need to worry about coming up with a witty comback on the spot because they are locked and loaded with combacks. The fighter isn’t afraid to stand up to people and they consider themselves somewhat of a BA. If you have a fighter friend you probably have a few crazy stories to go along with them. 

Whether you are one of these friends or you have one of these friends, you are a contributing part of a friendship and someone out there appreciates you for the amazing individual you are. 



Katie is a student at UW-Stout majoring in Professional Communications and Emerging Media. Her hobbies including cuddling with her Golden Retriever, Dante, watching Netflix in her bathrobe, and of course, writing! 
Her Campus at UW-Stout