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5 Tanning Mistakes That You Should Avoid This Summer

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UW Stout chapter.

Summer is coming people and that means tanning! Goodbye pasty skin, hello sunkissed glow! But we are dealing with something a little dangerous. Of course, everyone knows that the sun can give you cancer and that we should be using sunblock blah blah blah, but how do we still get a tan while being cautious individuals?

Stop tanning if you are burnt

This may seem like a no-brainer, but even if you aren’t trying to be in the sun, you could be doing damage. So if you got a little (or a lot) burnt in your last tanning excursion, do yourself a favor and load up on sunscreen and a floppy hat. 

Take a good look at your SPF

Make sure you know what you are putting on your skin. If you are using an SPF 100, you obviously aren’t going to get a tan. But I would advise for an SPF 30 for a safeguard against burning.  

Being in water will make you burn easier

Water reflects the sun and will make you a target for burning. If you are going to tan on a floating bed or a boat, make sure you are wearing sunscreen. 

Lips and eyes can get burnt too

Make sure you are either closing your eyes or wearing sunglasses because burnt eyes are a thing and it sucks. Want to know what else sucks? Burnt lips. Look for high SPF in chapsticks before tanning. 

Try to avoid tanning beds


I know it’s hard. Being tan is one of the best feelings out there. However, it is ok to be a little paler in the winter. It’s natural. Sometimes it is just best to accept that and wait for summer to come. Tanning beds are really bad for you. Just from being in a tanning bed once, you have an 80% more chance of getting cancer than someone who doesn’t go to tanning salons. Keep that in mind, make your own decisions, and happy tanning! 


Katie is a student at UW-Stout majoring in Professional Communications and Emerging Media. Her hobbies including cuddling with her Golden Retriever, Dante, watching Netflix in her bathrobe, and of course, writing! 
Her Campus at UW-Stout