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My Life is GrUV: How to Get Inspired Writing a Paper

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UVM chapter.

Finals are approaching quicker than anyone would like to admit, and your assignments are piling up. Writing a paper, especially when you have other homework hanging over your head, can be a daunting task. Whether it is two pages or twelve pages, we’ve all struggled through one at some point. These tips & tricks will hopefully help to get the creative juices flowing and get you inspired to get that essay done in no time!

1.) Find a quiet place to write

The first step to getting a solid paper going is finding a good place to write it. There are tons of places on campus that are perfect environments from the library (especially the third floor- no noise allowed!) to the Fireplace Lounge in L/L Commons and even sometimes the fourth floor of the Davis Center! It’s all about where you’re most comfortable.


2.) Remove all distractions

            I’m the worst offender of getting distracted while writing a paper (it’s happening right now) and so I’ve had to learn all the best ways to not get distracted. First off, shut the phone off! Social media and friends can wait – and if you don’t want to shut it off, try airplane mode or “do not disturb” (you’ll still get all of your notifications, but your phone won’t light up!). If you have a Mac – I highly recommend the “Self Control” app (for PC: StayFocused, BrowseControl, StopProcrastinating are all similar apps!). It’ll block the websites of your choosing for the time of your choosing and nothing you do, not even restarting the computer, can unblock it until time is run out. It’s a life saver, and helps keep me off Netflix when homework is calling!

3.) Create a mind map

            Going all the way back to basics – mind maps, graphic organizers, whatever you call it, you can’t deny that they work. While painfully annoying when mandatory, these help to get ideas out on paper in an organized manner and plan out how you’re going to write it. 

4.) Play some music

            Personally, I find it tough to write in complete silence, so when you get to that quiet place discussed earlier, put in some headphones and play some music (if it won’t distract you!) to get your mind going. Personally – I’m all about the TSwift.

 If you can’t listen to music without getting the urge to scream lyrics, try simplynoise.com for some basic white noise! Even classical music is said to help intelligence!


5.) Take breaks

            Every once in a while it’s okay to take a break from writing. Take breaks when your mind goes blank and stand up and stretch, dance, walk around, drink coffee (always lots of coffee) or go for a walk! If you get REALLY stuck, then you need to turn to YouTube (hopefully you didn’t block it!) and start watching inspirational videos:



Let us know if you have any study tips or tricks you swear by!