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My Life is GrUV: Attracting Your Type of Guy

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UVM chapter.
We’ve all been there…he’s really nice, he says all the right things…but he’s just not your type.

Oh yes, types. We all have them. They may not make perfect sense to us, like why in the world a T-shirt that could be mistaken for a dress is attractive, but it is. So how do you attract the “type” of man-friend you’re digging?

First I just want to say, keep an open mind. Just because a guy has a septum piercing giving the illusion of a bad boy or a Sperry wearing lad holds the visage of owning a yacht doesn’t mean anything. Look beyond the book cover and see what interests are compatible.

Now that’s that out of the way, here are some hints on how the land the type of guy you’re attracted to.

Hang out in the same spots

If he’s a meathead, go to the gym and show off how much you can bench press. If he digs Middle Eastern Sci-Fi Funk, go see a show at Nectars. But don’t be creepy…there’s a difference between sexy and stalker.

Dress to impress
Guys have types too. When you’re flaunting your style, he’s sure to take notice. But don’t loose sight of yourself- stay true to your own personal style. Whether it be sporty and clean or hip grunge, if you’re not being yourself, there’s just too much to be!

Have Confidence
Confidence is attractive no matter what the circumstance. If you feel good about yourself, everyone around you will feel good about you to. Having confidence is like having a secret weapon- your radiance is like a magnet. This is undoubtedly easier said than done, so if you struggle with confidence, remember that you’re not the only one.

There’s no certain formula to attracting your “type” of guy. Chances are you’ll meet the people you are most compatible with through groups and organizations that you are interested in as well. Do the activities and experience the things that you value, and things will just fall into place.