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Kiss & Tell: Are Long Distant Relationships Worth It?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UVM chapter.

One of the hardest adjustments most college freshmen have to make when they first move away from home is not only leaving their family behind, but leaving behind their boyfriend/girlfriend as well. It’s easy to stay stuck in a honeymoon period of pure bliss with your perfect boyfriend back home. It’s easy to say, “Well we’re going to make it work. I’ll go to his campus one weekend and he’ll come to mine the next.” But the harsh reality is, long distance is really, really hard.

I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve watched friends cry over the loves they left behind. And I am in no way implying that every high-school relationship will fail once college starts. I’ve seen plenty of relationships work, but I’ve seen plenty of them fail too. The hardest thing about freshmen year of college is leaving everything you knew behind for something completely different. College comes with temptation my friends. You’re at a party, and you spy someone attractive across the room. But what about so-and-so back home?

For a fleeting moment, you wish you were single.

The truth is nobody has the answer for whether or not making your long-distance relationship work is worth it. My thoughts? You know when you know. The best thing you can do is just to be open with your significant other. If you’re having doubts, they may be too. If you’re craving space, they may be too. If it’s time for a break, it might be time for a break. (There’s a reason in college Thanksgiving is called “Breaks-giving.”) And I’m not saying it’s going to suck. It will probably suck. But a big part of relationships is faith. You have to have faith that if you’re really meant to be together, you’ll find each other again.

And if you choose to stay together and weather the storm that is a long-distance relationship, that’s okay too. Trust your gut and instinct, say what you need to say, and if you feel that it’s all worth it, then it is. Don’t let anybody tell you otherwise. Relationships are about compromise and working through hard times with the person you love most. College is certainly not easy. It’s about finding yourself and learning about your passions and goals for life. There’s something to be said for having someone who knows you like the back of their hand stand beside you through that.

It all comes down to you and what you want. Relationship or not, college will be four years you will never forget.  College is also about being a little selfish here and there. But don’t forget this one very important thing: college isn’t necessarily about finding a husband; it’s about finding your bridesmaids. Chicks before… well, you know.

Hey! I'm a senior at UVM studying public communications and applied design. I'll be graduating in May 2015, and I'm hoping to get out of this cold weather and into some sunshine. Preferably with a job that allows me to write. There are very few things I love more than writing, shopping, and trying my best to create my own version of Blair Waldorf. I read blogs like it's my job, and I even have my own! Check it out at http://shesgotclassandsass.blogspot.com/ and I'll probably love you forever!