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Hot & Healthy: Don’t Be A Drunk Skunk

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UVM chapter.

It’s a Friday night and radiating through out apartments and dorm rooms, without a doubt, is music blasting that will make you want to get the night going immediately. You’ve also probably got on a sassy, Vermont-esque outfit and a sway in your hips already. All you need is a little bit of liquid wonder (vodka, rum, wine of preference, etc.) to top the night and you’re set, right? Sure, but most college students push it a little too far.

According to the Center for Science in the Public Interest, about 44% of college students binge drink and 48% of college students only drink “to get drunk”, which can lead to those boozy slips and slurs that are just plain embarrassing. So before you end up being called a “tipsy gypsy” or a “puke maduke” for the evening, follow these tips for a successful night out.

Before you start drinking, eat a handful of almonds or a piece of bread with butter as a snack. These two will help ease a hangover and aid your body in absorbing the alcohol.

Before you start drinking, do eat a full meal. Avoid soups and salads since they are easily digested and lean towards heavier meals, such as a veggie burger, chicken, or a pasta dish. Never skip eating at the end of the day. The alcohol consumed won’t be absorbed as quickly and will most likely make you camp out by a toilet or trash can for the night.

Before you start drinking, put on a pair of boots. You can stick small personal items, such as cash, your cell phone, and student ID, deep inside your boot so you won’t lose them throughout the night.
Sticking it in your bra also works, though it’s more likely to fall out on a dance floor.

Before you start drinking, be happy. Try not to be tired or emotional when drinking, you’ll drink more and feel it faster.

While drinking,
tally on your arm as you drink with a marker. Put on tally down for each shot of alcohol (including the shots measured out in mixed drinks) you take and two tallies down for each beer.

While drinking, put away the straw. When drinking with a straw, you become less aware of how much you are drinking and how quickly you are drinking. Stick to the sip to keep track of your drink.

While drinking, avoid ice. Ever notice you drink your iced coffee much faster than your hot coffee? Cold drinks open a valve at the top of your stomach, making it easier to gulp and chug.

While drinking, switch off drinks. Have a glass of water along side your drink and switch off through out the night. NEVER mix alcoholic drinks, which can make you extremely sick, and try to stick with one kind throughout the night.

While drinking, don’t try to keep with the boys. A woman’s body content has a higher ratio of fat to water than men do, even at an equivalent height and weight. Women simply feel it faster often times, and keeping up with the boys or the heaviest of drinkers can be dangerous.

While drinking, know your limits. Be aware of when you’re tipsy and enjoy it!

After drinking, try not to eat a load of food at the end of the night. If you’ve had too much to drink, consuming 2 or 3 slices of pizza can further upset your stomach and may cause you throw up. Try small snacks, such as crackers, a rice cake with peanut butter, or a Poptart, are great to eat when you get back.

After drinking, do drink plenty of water. You’ll feel won’t feel as hungover the morning after.

After drinking, be prepared if you feel sick. If you feel like throwing up, it helps to just throw it up…in a trash can or toilet of course.

After drinking, try to get fresh air the next morning. Nothing but time can cure a hangover, and being stuck inside of a stuffy dorm or apartment will only make you feel worse. Go for a short walk in the morning or a quick jog.

After drinking, try to eat something in the morning. Don’t let your body starve when it’s hurting in the morning. If you feel nauseous, eat something small (avoid citrus fruits that have acids that can irritate the stomach at this time.)