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Cutie of the Week: Connor Winton ’13

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UVM chapter.

UVM ’13
Originally From: Jersey
Dorms on: Tupper
Major: Recreational Management 

Any hobbies?
Long walks on the beach, online dating, ohh and I guess.. snowboarding, freebording, filming, cliff jumping, drinking beer.

You find a suitcase filled with million dollars on the side of the road, what do you do?
Have one hell of a party and blow it all in one night

Favorite place in Burlington?
North beach with the homies.

Dream job?
Snowboard and get paid

Best quality you find in a girl?

Worst quality you find in a girl?
Stuck up

Biggest pet peeve?
Girls who are stuck up and don’t realize it

Interesting fact about yourself.
I got lost in Disney World when I was 7.

Who are your idols in life?
The entire cast of Rocket Power

Most embarrassing moment?
Went into the ocean with my bathing suit, came out of the water with out it.

How can a girl catch your attention?
Be yourself

If you were a mixed drink, what would you be and why?
Pabst Blue Ribbon because i’m American

Something you could talk about all day.
Riding powder