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15 Things You Should Try To Spice Up Your Summer

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UVM chapter.

Need something to spice up your summer? Try a bunch of these ideas to keep your days, mind, and adventures fresh!

1. Try a strange food. 
There’s nothing more interesting than getting to know the daily lives of other cultures. During my last days of vacationing, I needed a little bit more excitement even if it were something totally small and irrelevant. I chose to order raw, baby squid stuffed with seasame as my meal when going out to eat….only to find an extremly strange texture but a mouth-watering flavor. So why not step into their world and try a food that seems out of the ordinary to you?

2. Go on backpacking with friends.

Be sure to have a group of more than two people and to be readily prepared for all sorts of situations. Its best if you go to outdoor gear stores and speak to a sales associate so they can guide you to all the right equipment.

3.Volunteer at a shelter or soup kitchen.
Soup kitchens are always in need of help. So instead of spending a few hours catching up on the most recent episodes of Gossip Girl, devote a little bit of time to those who are really in need.

4. Watch the sunset from the top of a tree.
Tree climbing is always encouraged on a perfect day!

5. Say “I Love You” a little more.
You know Tim McGraw’s song, “Live Like You Were Dying?” Spoken like a true country star, the smallest thing that you can do to make each day worth while is to let a little love in and make it completely obvious. Instead of the regular, “Okay, Mom. Bye,” squeeze in a little “I love you” into the mix.

6. Try a new hairstyle everyday.
Sure the simple life is great, but there are some moments when simple just is not enough. Try a new hairstyle everyday to spice up your everyday routine. Glamour.com actually has a cool DIY makeover tool that emails you a new hairstyle with instructions everyday that is totally free.

7. Step outside your comfort zone

Flirt with your cute waiter, be nice to a stranger, do karaoke with your girlfriends….do something thats totally out of YOUR ordinary.

8. Be a ghost hunter
Okay, so the topic of paranormal entities is a little touchy. However, ghost hunting offers the opportunity to really imagine things that seem to have come straight out of science fiction. Let your imagination run wild and grab a flash light and camera for the night ahead.

9. Be spontaneous

10. Drink a glass of red wine each night.
“Red wine’s potential heart-healthy benefits look promising. Those who drink moderate amounts of alcohol, including red wine, seem to have a lower risk of heart disease. However, more research is needed before we know whether red wine is better for your heart than are other forms of alcohol, such as beer or spirits.” -Mayo Clinic

11. Release a grudge.

12. Walk aimlessy
You might just find yourself along a relaxing river bank or at a cool, unique site in the woods. 

13. Pick up an adventure buddy.
Finding a hiking buddy, for me, was one of the easiest ways to keep in shape. We both loved to hike and kept each other company on the way.

14. Do something for yourself.
Take a personal day. Check out living social for a new deal everyday for spas, restaurants, etc.

15. Start over.
Who ever said you had to walk in the same footprints you left before college. Make a change for yourself and make it known. You’re your own person!