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Six Struggles of Learning Adult Life Lessons

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UVA chapter.

We can all admit that the second we received our acceptance letters, we couldn’t wait to move out and live a more independent college lifestyle. As great as it seems to not have to report back to your parents or fulfill any serious responsibilities of the real-world, there are hardships of growing up that come along with leaving home. Here are the worst six struggles of entering adulthood. 

1. Doing the laundry: Piles of darks, whites, colors, delicates…? Sounds like an expensive laundry day. Unfortunately, throwing all your clothes into one load doesn’t always turn out so well. Your whites may quickly turn to a pale pink… 

2. Isn’t dishsoap the same as dishwashing detergent? We thought so too. 

3. We simply don’t know what to do when we get bed-ridden sick and our mom’s aren’t around to take care of us. Not only is there no chicken noodle soup cans in our pantry, calling in a prescription to CVS isn’t as easy as mom always made it.

4. Speaking of having no soup in the pantry, there’s absolutely nothing in the pantry or fridge. Ever. Grocery shopping is more expensive than you’d realize, and the food goes super quick when it’s always ten feet away from your bedroom door. 

5. And when you do manage to snag some groceries, the whole cooking thing doesn’t always go as planned. 

6. Lastly, bills. on bills. on bills. I’m supposed to pay $190 for using electricity this month?! That’s insane! Everytime we have to pay that much, we feel like Gru.