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Advice to First Years in Gooch-Dillard

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UVA chapter.

So, you’re living in Gooch-Dillard? You’re stuck in a limbo of not being in the old dorms, but not the new new dorms either. So far away from central Grounds that even Scott Stadium feels more like a part of the University than your dorm. It can feel secluding, closed-off, and almost prison-like (Fun fact: Gooch-Dillard was actually designed by a world-renowned prison architect). When you tell people you live in Gooch-Dillard, you probably receive condolences, some cringes, or maybe a few immature snickers at the name. As someone who lived through a Dillard suite my first year, I can credibly say that these are some of the many challenges that only Gooch-Dillard kids will understand. However, you should not let your residence define your first year at UVA. There are ways to overcome the challenges of living in Gooch-Dillard, ways that I wish I had known my first year.

The biggest problem I faced while living in Gooch-Dillard was meeting people. For Gooch-Dillard, you shouldn’t rely on making friends in the dorm. Hall-style is great for meeting people because you’re always running into each other and it is a lot easier to just walk by someone’s room and have a chat. But, as you know, Gooch-Dillard is suite-style. From my experience, this led to people hiding in their suites and their single-rooms within their suites. That’s not exactly conducive to creating a friendly, welcoming, and social environment. That being said, most RA’s will host events for their residents, but from my experience no one would show up, which is usually how those things go. Unless being BFF’s with your RA is your goal, I suggest that meeting people in your dorm is not the way to go. Instead, join as many clubs as your schedule permits. Clubs are the best way to meet people with similar interests or the same major, which will probably create more lasting bonds than with someone you just happen to be living near anyway.

Joining clubs goes along with my second piece of advice; you should be out of Gooch-Dillard as often as possible. Gooch-Dillard is pretty far away from the happenings on Grounds, which is why staying at your suite may prevent you from getting more involved. Especially in the beginning of the year, in the summer heat when the trek to Grounds seems like a pilgrimage to Mecca, the A/C and comfort of Gooch-Dillard might seem too good to pass up. But, getting too comfortable in Gooch-Dillard was a big problem that I faced. I never went to the library because it was too far, so I didn’t study. I wouldn’t go to club meetings because I didn’t feel like walking. And if you have any plans to go to Rugby make friends with people closer so you have someplace else to crash. It is best to avoid going back to Gooch-Dillard whenever possible so you don’t miss out on what is going on with the rest of the University.

Lastly, consider time management. An 8 am class in Nau is not the best idea when you have to trudge through Charlottesville’s notorious torrential downpours. Unless you are an early morning person, consider classes that are later in the day to factor in the time it will take to walk. Every direction is uphill from Gooch-Dillard so it takes longer to get to Grounds than to get back to the dorm. I usually left about 45 minutes to an hour early for class, just so I wouldn’t be late and out-of-breath when I got to class. Make sure you always give yourself ample time to get wherever you need to be because often-times people underestimate how long it takes to walk to and from Gooch-Dillard.

Gooch-Dillard is not all bad. There’s the AFC nearby, which is something to take advantage of. Also, there is a dining hall just steps from your door in addition to the A/C, which not many other dorms can say—except for those in new new dorms who are living in the lap of luxury. Also, others who survived living there will sympathize with your plight and forever share the bond of Gooch-Dillard. As annoying as it can be to live there, first year will go by in a flash and it’s best to not let Gooch-Dillard ruin it. Best of luck and remember it could be worse–you could live in Faulkner.

Hi, I'm Allyson! I am a Chapter Advisor for Her Campus as well as a contributor for the University of Virginia chapter. I'm currently a 4th year at UVA and majoring in English.
Katrina Margolis graduated from the University of Virginia with a degree in English and Film. She served as the senior editor of HC UVA for two and a half years. She is currently an assistant editor for The Tab. Wahoowa!