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8 Things Gilmore Girls Fans Can Relate To

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UVA chapter.


1. You (still) get super nostalgic about this:



2. You know the exact context of this scene and you just. can’t. deal.




3. When every girl says “Gilmore Girls” is their favorite since it came out on Netflix, but you’ve been watching it waaaay longer




4. There is this constant struggle you face when you talk about Gilmore Girls:




5. When people question why you own every season on DVD when it’s available on Netflix




6. When an article saying, “Things You Never Knew About Gilmore Girls” pops up on your Facebook and you already know everything




7. You take this advice to heart (and add some Gilmore Girls, of course)




8. You can’t wait for the new Gilmore Girls episodes because there has been a void since Season 7