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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UTSA chapter.

       As we all know, Donald Trump was elected as the new POTUS and you were either ecstatic or crying over the news. This election revealed that our nation is more divided than we would have ever thought.

       I woke up Wednesday morning feeling disgusted with the amount of hate that Trump’s victory had aroused. From Facebook, to Twitter, to Instagram, the hate was present and it was ugly. Many Trump supporters were empowered with hatred against Mexicans, African Americans, Muslims, or anyone that was against him. I had never witnessed so much hostility between people over a single person.

       It has now been a month since Trump was elected president, and it is definitely time to stop hating each other. We have had time to either mourn over Hillary’s defeat or celebrate Trump’s victory, but now it is time to come together. If you’re like me, you were probably disappointed with Trump’s win. Don’t let hate win – fight Trump’s animosity for immigrants, minorities, Muslims, and LGBT with love. To those of you who were content with the election results: if you really want to “Make America Great Again,” then get out there and spread love instead of malice. Don’t let hate be the leader of our nation. 

Class 18, Political Science Major