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Spring Breaker: Ivette Toribio ’15

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Utah chapter.

Ivette Toribio, 19, is a sophomore here at the University of Utah majoring in Special Education. Ivette grew up right in West Valley, Utah but is loving here at the “U”.
Her Campus: Let’s get right to it Ivette, Spring Break is just around the corner. What are your plans?
Ivette: Take advantage of the rest and enjoy myself a little. Catch up with my family and friends and if I absolutely have to, do some homework and study a couple of readings for my classes.
HC: Definitely know what you mean about the rest! Do you have any activities or things to do planned for Spring Break?
Ivette: Well no, except sleep. I have to sleep. Oh, but I am planning to go to my favorite restaurants like The Fountain and Chukarama…..I just love different foods. I might also go to a spa and take advantage of their sauna. It’s very relaxing and a way to pamper yourself as well.
HC: Sounds like you have a very “go with the flow” Spring Break schedule, great! Now what do you think your vacation days are going to be like with this lovely Utah weather?
Ivette: I really want winter to go away and summer to be here. I’ve noticed it has been warmer but I haven’t busted out my shorts quite yet. So I’m not sure….
HC: Definitely with you there, Utah does have some pretty crazy weather! Overall, what are your thoughts on how Spring Break 2013 is going to play out for you, Ivette?
Ivette: On a scale of 1-10, I’m aiming for a 10! Now, I’m really stressed with all my midterms and homework and I just need a break. I am aiming high because I usually don’t do anything for break but this time I want to do fun things like go-cart and laser tag…..so wish me luck!