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5 Signs You Like Them As More Than a Friend

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Utah chapter.

You’re hanging out with your friend when suddenly you find yourself looking at them in a different light. What’s going on? Did they get a haircut or something? Because they’re looking good. Most of us will have a crush on a friend at some point, but before you make a move, make sure it’s the real thing. Here are 5 telltale signs that you like, like them:


1. You find yourself bringing them up—a lot.

Do you find yourself constantly reminded of them in almost every conversation you have, whether it be horror movies or politics? If you’re constantly saying, “This one time with __________” or “_____________ said the funniest thing the other day,” chances are, you are completely heart-eyes.


2. No matter what you do together, you have a good time. 

Maybe you’re the kind of person who loves the great outdoors, but with them, you’re fine just sitting on the couch watching a movie. Or maybe you’ve developed an interest in basketball despite your complete lack of hand-eye coordination. No matter what you’re doing, you want to be with them, and when you are, you’ve got a smile on your face.


3. You’re constantly checking your phone.

“Wait, Was that a text?” If you find yourself constantly reaching for your phone and disappointed whenever you see an empty screen or get a text that’s not from you-know-who, you’re definitely smitten.


4. You’re a little bit nervous.

You check yourself in the reflection of your phone screen when they leave the room, and you can’t stop twirling your hair or messing with your jewelry. Do you dress a little nicer or take a little longer with your makeup before you see them? Those butterflies in your stomach are there for a reason, girl.


5. There’s just something there.

The day’s a little brighter, the grass is a little greener, and life is just a little more magical.


If you relate to any of these points, chances are, you’ve got a crush. However, what to do about it is up to you. Keep in mind, there’s nothing more heartbreaking than to wonder, ‘What if?’ So what are you waiting for? Go get ‘em!

Madison Adams is a feminist, a tea enthusiast, a friend to the animals, and a lover of words. Mostly, though, she's a young woman who's still trying to figure things out. 
Her Campus Utah Chapter Contributor