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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Utah chapter.

It’s officially fall—the time for crunchy leaves, comfy sweaters, and all things pumpkin. With concerts, festivals, and all the spookiness of Halloween, there’s no doubt that it’s the best time of the year. But when you need a break from all the festivities, there’s nothing like curling up with a good book. For those who are looking for a good read this fall, I’ve compiled a few favorites that are sure to keep you in the harvest spirit.

1. Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell—

In this touching book by bestselling author of Eleanor and Park, Rainbow Rowell, Cath and her twin sister Wren start their first year of college.

Both of the sisters were once avid fans of a book series turned-movie franchise (basically their Harry Potter) called Simon Snow, but now Wren has outgrown the stories and, in a way, has outgrown Cath as well, deciding that she’d rather not be Cath’s roommate in order to make a name for herself. However, this leaves Cath feeling awkward and out of place, and she has a hard time letting go.

This story is sweet, funny, and totally relatable—a must read for any collegiate.


2. Why We Broke Up by Daniel Handler—

A children’s writer, you may have read Handler’s books growing up and heard of his pseudonym, Lemony Snicket, as in, A Series of Unfortunate Events. Now as a collegiate, you will cry along with Min as she details her breakup with Ed through a letter she places in a box along with every item that reminds her of their relationship.

This novel is poignant, honest, and puts into words everything you ever wanted to say to your ex. Plus, this book is a work of art; Maira Kalman designed illustrations for every chapter that are quirky, but absolutely beautiful.


3. Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn—

After a short stint at a mental hospital, journalist Camille Preaker is assigned to return to her hometown and report on the mysterious, grisly murders of two young girls. However, home isn’t always where the heart is. Camille finds an eerie connection between herself and the murdered girls, which triggers trauma from her past.

This novel by bestselling author of Gone Girl, Gillian Flynn, is a quick, thrilling read that will keep your heart pounding all the way through.


4. The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern—

For those who are looking for a bit of magic this fall, The Night Circus is your best bet. Celia and Marco are magicians who have been trained their whole lives to duel for their feuding guardians. The front for the competition is an enchanted circus; arriving without warning, the circus is only open at night and contains illusions and acts that’ll have you questioning what’s real.

This is a beautifully written story that will surprise, entertain, and dazzle you. Not to mention it’s got a swoon-worthy romance that will go down in literary history.


5. Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs—

What’s fall without a good ghost story? After a tragedy in his family, sixteen-year-old Jacob follows a trail of clues that lead to an abandoned orphanage. However, there’s something strange about the kids that were housed there—one of which was Jacob’s grandfather.

The first in a trilogy, Miss Peregrine’s is definitely a page-turner. A chilling story with creepy antique photography, it will definitely give you goosebumps. In fact, it’s creepy enough that it’s becoming a movie directed by Tim Burton himself. Check it out before it hits the big screen.


So what are you waiting for? Break out those fuzzy slippers, grab a latte, and read up!


Madison Adams is a feminist, a tea enthusiast, a friend to the animals, and a lover of words. Mostly, though, she's a young woman who's still trying to figure things out. 
Her Campus Utah Chapter Contributor