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Running for More Than Exercise

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at USFSP chapter.

I believe everyone should find some sort of exercise that they love to do. Whether swimming, biking, or playing tennis, being healthy will become way easier if you’re doing something you actually enjoy.

Mine is running. Running is my escape from the tension and anxiety of everything that happens in my busy life. When I crank up the music on my iPod and start to run, my focus isn’t on deadlines, work, class, or friends—it’s on myself. I learn more and more about myself when I run, because it’s usually the only time I get to spend without worrying about other things.

I’ve never been the best at it—honestly, I used to hate it. Running is painful. My feelings about running changed when I made a running buddy towards the beginning of this year. Stephanee became a great friend to me. We would run in the mornings and have girl talk while preparing for a 5k (my first one!). On our last day running together before the race, we ran a longer distance than usual. Toward the end of the run, it hit me. I like running!

So it took a month or two of running before I found my passion for it. Until then, it was about time spent with my running buddy. After that moment when I discovered I love it, I began running by myself more.

I still run with Stephanee , whenever our schedules don’t conflict. Last week, we had a great run at 6:30 a.m. and we watched the sun rise. She wrote about it in her blog and threw in some awesome pictures.

What I’m trying to say is, try new things. And if you hate them right away, at least give them a chance before you give up. Without the help of a great buddy, I would never have known how much I love running.

Photo source: http://wordsaboutthings.wordpress.com/2010/03/11/boost-your-running-performance-with-music/