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Opinion Column: Mark Lombardi-Nelson and Christa Hegedus: Unite and Inspire.

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at USFSP chapter.


Elections for president and vice-president of USF St. Petersburg will be taking place from March 4th through March 7th. Students will have the opportunity to vote either in person at the Reef in the USC or online in Blackboard. This is the second term Mark Lombardi-Nelson will be serving as president of our campus. But his extensive involvement in campus began his freshman year. Mark first served as an extremely involved senator, later as vice-president and is now president of our amazing campus.

Mark Lombardi-Nelson loves what he does. He loves helping fellow students. Everything he has accomplished so far with his team have been incentives to keep going. Here are some of the accomplishments Mark has made:

  1. Mark created the Know it all guide Facebook pages that allows USFSP students to keep in contact regarding classes, events on campus and anything else you can think of.
  2. As students know, football, basketball and soccer games happen in USF Tampa. Mark is responsible for providing students with free transportation to and from those games.
  3. Mark and his team helped to enlighten campus spirit on campus by the two bull statues, one placed inside the USC and one out in Harbor Walk.
  4. Mark was part of the group of students who helped launch Delta Sigma Pi, a professional business fraternity, into what it is today.
  5. Mark was the founder of some clubs in campus: The Musician Society, The Ultimate freesbe Club amongst others.
  6. He has also gained numerous volunteer and leadership experience through other student organizations that strive on campus: Black Student Association and the Latin American Student Association, in which he was treasurer.


His running mate, Christa Hegedus is also extremely involved on campus. She is currently president of the senate and was the founder of the Sex and Relationships club. As a team, Mark and Christa want to “Unite and Inspire” fellow students of USFSP. Some of their future goals include making Sodexo better. This is the most important issue and number one on the list. They also want to allow for external catering so there is more variety in school events.

Mark and Christa want to make sure our campus atmosphere stays inclusive. A majority of students at USFSP will admit that our atmosphere is welcoming and helping and we need to keep it that way. As Mark stated, “We are bulls but we are not Tampa.” Mark and Christa also want to target sustainability on campus and hopefully create a scholarship for fellow bulls.

Even though Mark is so politically oriented, it might be surprising to those who do not know, that he is in fact an Entrepreneurship major. What has made him such a wonderful asset to our student government is his passion for people and his extensive knowledge. As a business major one of his plans is to give the College of business their own building. When asked if this would happen before his expected graduation in fall 2015, Mark stated, “It will hopefully happen.” When asked what he thinks of the opposing team, Jimmy Richards and Jordan Iuliucci, he stated they are great friends and he wishes them the best in this election. “No matter the outcome, it will be a successful year.” Even though his wishes are positive for Richards and Iuliucci Mark is assertive and positive in that, “[They] are going to win.”

Her-Campus USF St. Petersburg wishes both parties the extremely best in this upcoming election. Make sure to make your voice heard as a fellow bull and do not forget to vote from March 4th until March 7th. Make sure to inform yourself more about Mark and Christa’s plans by liking their Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/#!/ItsAnotherLevel?fref=ts and also check out their EBook: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/38060529/done.pdf




Photo Credit: USF St. Petersburg Website


Kelly Mora-Romero is the President/Editor-in-Chief of Her Campus USF St. Petersburg. She was born in Colombia but has lived in the US since 2004. As a Global Business and Marketing major with a minor in Mass Communications, Kelly's dream job is to work in international marketing with a big communications company; traveling is a must! Her biggest inspiration for stories come from local or campus-related news, advise for the every-day life and tips on success. If you wish to contact Campus Correspondent Kelly for article ideas or any comments/concerns/issues at USFSP email at: kellyromero@hercampus.com For any other personal inquiries email: kellyjulieth@mail.usf.edu HCXO