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Meet VS PINK Campus Rep: Bianca Poulard

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at USFSP chapter.

Year: Junior
Major: Marketing
2011-2012 Victoria’s Secret PINK Campus Representative
1. What is your favorite thing about USFSP? Why did you choose to come here?
My favorite thing about USFSP is the class sizes. It allows me to learn in a more personal environment. I decided to go to USF because it’s a great school and close to home!
2. Where is your favorite place on campus?
My favorite place on campus is Chick-Fil-A… I can’t get enough of it!
3. How did you get involved with Victoria’s Secret?
I was searching for potential internship opportunities online and came across an informational page about an internship opportunity with VS PINK. I submitted my resume to them, went through a two part interview process, and soon after recieved notification that I was selected!
4. What’s your favorite thing about being a Victoria’s Secret Pink rep?
My favorite part is the hands on experience that I am gaining from the whole process. This is a job I will NEVER forget.
5. What’s your favorite TV show?
Ridiculousness. I’m always up for a good laugh.
6. What’s your favorite movie?
The Hangover. It’s hilarious!
7. What quote do you live by/what’s your favorite quote?
My favorite quote is “Every woman should know how to fall in love, without losing herself” – Maya Angelou
8. What is something everyone should know about you?
I’m a very positive person that tries to have the most positive outlook on life and makes the best out of every situation.