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Focusing on Success Through the Mid-Semester Slump

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at USFSP chapter.

Can you believe we’re almost halfway through the semester? Some of us are currently stuck in that mid-semester slump, and just wishing for the semester to be over already.  Instead of dreading another day spending hours in class and trying to stay afloat by endless hours of studying and homework, we should be looking at college in a different light.

We’re college students, and we need to start thinking about what we want in life, and going for it! It’s time to create that plan of action to make our dreams come true. If you can clearly establish specific goals, it is easier to make plans that will get you there.

So take a few minutes. Think about what you want to accomplish after graduation. Where do you want to be? Write down all your goals. How much effort will it take to get you there? And what can you do while still in college to help you succeed? USFSP offers all sorts of clubs to acquire skills that will also boost your résumé. The Career Center will review your résumé and help you improve it, so getting that job will be easier!

If you are not taking advantage of the things on campus that will help you succeed in your career and life, it’s time to start. You already paid for these opportunities with your tuition, so let them work for you! Meet your advisors, explore the Career Center, and join a student organization or two.
College is not just about passing classes while waiting on life to begin after that college degree; it’s about embracing life while gaining skills and experiences. College can be where you figure out who you are and what you want from life.  So don’t lose steam now, take some risks and find that path that leads to your success! 

Photo Source: http://www.anchoredvalues.com/images/images/create-your-own-tomorrow.jpg