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What We Have Learned From Pretty Little Liars

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at USF chapter.

With the Pretty Little Liars summer finale only two short weeks away, let’s reminisce on what we have learned from spending our Tuesdays nights obsessing over A’s latest antics.

1. There is a place in this world where everyone is beautiful and flawless and that place is Rosewood, PA.

2. It is actually surprisingly easy to break into places you thought would be impossible to break into without getting caught. For example, police stations, medical offices, and rehabilitation centers.

3. Do not trust anyone. At this point absolutely anyone could be A.

4. How to manage our anxiety. All because of those last few seconds left in the show where we see the black gloved hand and freak out.

5. Turn the lights on. We see these girls constantly walking into dark places where danger is lurking around the corner. Is there no light in Rosewood?

6. No matter what is happening in your life always dress to impress.

Lover of all things Disney, Star Wars, Marvel, Harry Potter and fashion. Junior. Mass Communication major. Disney Cast member. Aspiring writer.