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5 Reasons Having a Daily Routine Is Life-Changing

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at USF chapter.

Who else wakes up feeling flustered about the upcoming day? I personally know how much not having a schedule increases my stress levels. Let me just say, becoming more organized and having a plan for the day is a life changer. I am going to share five reasons you should consider having a daily routine.

1.   It gives your life a sense of structure: Having a structure in your life makes you feel like you are truly in control of your life and your day. How awesome would it be to wake up and know exactly what you have to accomplish and when you are going to do it? The best way to keep up with this is to invest in a nice planner that you will actually use.

2.   It is a huge motivator: Having a daily routine is great motivation in the morning. For instance, if you know you are going to work out in the morning, you know you will be getting that workout in—this will make the rest of your day so much better.

3.   It will make you a healthier person: It is very common for busy college students to skip meals throughout the day, especially breakfast. But scheduling time to eat throughout the day is very important. I don’t know about you, but I love to eat, so scheduling certain times to eat is great for my day. Making sure you eat enough during the day helps boost your metabolism as well.

4.   You create good habits: When you know exactly what you will be doing in the day, and what you will be eating, that breaks a lot of bad habits. Most of us seem to snack a lot when we don’t schedule meals or slack off when there is work to do, but having a routine can help. You will create good habits for yourself by following a routine.

5.   Build confidence: I know when I have planned out my outfit the night before and I know exactly how I am going to do my hair and makeup, I wake up feeling fabulous! Having a set schedule can truly make you feel like a more accomplished person, which will also boost your confidence.