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Thanksgiving: A Time To Celebrate With Family and Friends

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNL chapter.

The holiday season is now upon us and sometimes in all the hustle and bustle it’s easy to forget about why we gather our families and celebrate at this time each year. The first Thanksgiving celebrations were about mending the wounds of the nation and rejoicing in the gifts people were blessed with. These days however, it seems like this holiday is met with a larger emphasis on Black Friday preparations, the stress of the end-of-year rush, and then maybe the big meal and nap afterwards. So this year, let’s forget about the future for a moment and focus on enjoying the present. Here are some holiday tips from our Friends to try and help you focus on what’s important.  

Start your day off by enjoying the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade (Thursday at 9am on ABC). Other popular showings today are A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving (Wednesday & Thursday at 8pm on ABC) or the F.R.I.E.N.D.S Thanksgiving marathon (Thursday on Nick at Nite)

Try your best to get along with your family.

They can be difficult at times but at the end of the day they’re always there.

Share some laughs and reminisce over awkward moments in years past.

If it’s nice outside, get out and play some catch or get some exercise before the big meal.

Don’t be too selfish when filling up your plate, chances are there’s plenty to go around, probably twice.

After the meal just kick back and relax, maybe even let your turkey coma commence.

After your two hour nap you may be a little dazed and confused; feel free to head back to the kitchen for round two or dessert.

Now you can prepare for the exhausting day ahead of you and look forward to running in circles to find the perfect gifts for your loved ones.

Finally, please remember the reason for the season…being thankful for what we have. Whether you’re spending time with family or friends this year, let them know how much they mean to you and how much you love them. Cherish those irreplaceable relationships, that’s what the holiday season is all about.


Photos courtesy of http://stream1.gifsoup.com/view2/1413020/friends-group-hug-o.gif , http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m6veelG9xI1ru1wbho2_500.gif ,and http://i798.photobucket.com/albums/yy262/expressionofmyemotions/tumblr_l…