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Solved: Your Valentine’s Day Problems

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNL chapter.

Valentine’s Day: cue the flowers, boxed chocolate, candlelit dinners, and sexy lingerie. I understand that Valentine’s Day is supposed to be the one special day of the year to appreciate your loved ones and do all the lovey-dovey things that would otherwise be frowned upon any other day of the year, but lets be honest – the second you start to get too worked up about the upcoming holiday the fun gets taken right out of it. Here are some ways to ease your worries so you can actually enjoy your V-day this year.


Worry #1: What do I get my S.O. and what should we do?

I’ve spent way too many hours googling “valentine’s day gifts for my boyfriend” and stressing over whether something is too cheesy or not romantic enough. The best way to go about this is to stay simple. Thankfully, my boyfriend was totally honest with me when I asked him what he really wants for Valentine’s day. No surprise, he didn’t want a personalized puzzle with a cute picture of us on it (not that I was considering that..) or a fancy candlelit dinner (which I tried one year, and resulted in tears). Your S.O. probably just wants to enjoy being with you, and would rather eat a meal that was made together than to be stuffed into a crowded restaurant with an hour wait. That, followed by cuddling and watching a movie in bed, is what my boyfriend would consider the perfect Valentine’s Day. When in doubt, ask. You don’t want to waste time planning a huge night only to find out your S.O. had something completely different in mind. And if you’re both down to participate in the V-Day madness, so be it. Just keep things simple – and remember that Valentine’s day is about being together, and not about what you give each other or what you do.


Worry #2: I don’t have a S.O. to spend it with.

This is like, the silliest worry of all worries. Of course you have someone special to spend it with! There is no rulebook out there stating that Valentine’s Day is limited to romantic partners only. So far, I think the most fun I’ve ever had on a Valentine’s Day was with my best friends. Ever heard of Galentine’s day? Get cheesy and make a heart-shaped cake just so you can eat it all and pop open some champagne to feel fancy. Heck, I would. And at the end of the day, you’ll realize that some well-spent time with your best friends is way better than a forced date with someone you don’t really care about or a night alone with The Notebook and too many used up tissues. Let’s also not forget about turning V-Day into Me-Day. It’s easy to get caught up in life every now and then and forget to do something for us every once in a while. Take a hot bath and read a book that isn’t for school, or watch all your favorite movies that your friends never want to. ‘Cause we love ourselves too, right?


With that, stop your stressin’ and start your lovin’. Happy Valentine’s Day UNL!

A twenty-year-old international business student with dreams much bigger than my 5'1 self. Slightly obsessed with Germany, Lana Del Rey, and cookie butter.