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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNL chapter.

Is it me or does it seem like every movie Disney makes is amazing? I went with my sister (yet again) to see a movie last weekend and we decided to embrace our inner child and see “Zootopia”. I don’t care how old you are, nobody is ever too old for animated features.

The messages of these movies get deeper and “Zootopia” follows through with that. The movie contained messages regarding feminism and hard core girl power, which was fabulous. It’s a great for girls to see that they can handle anything. There was also a general theme of equality and disowning stereotypes. I personally think it’s wonderful that Disney incorporates these messages into their movies because it’s important for young people to understand these things to make society a better place.

Besides all the seriousness, the movie was ridiculously adorable with vibrant animation. I recommend this film to anybody, especially if you’re having a not-so-great day!