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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNL chapter.

While many UNL students are likely to celebrate March with green beer in honor of St. Patrick’s Day, there is a much better reason to celebrate that deserves attention. Since 1987, Congress has designated the month of March as “Women’s Month,” and since 1911, March 8 is International Women’s Day. The National Women’s History Project declared the theme of this Women’s Month Celebrating Women of Character, Courage, and Committment, honoring “the extraordinary and often unrecognized determination and tenacity of women.” The NWHP encourages the acknowledgment of women’s history through choosing particular women to honor nationally, producing educational materials, and holding workshops and conferences that highlight the roles of women.

This week marks the 35th Women’s Week that UNL will celebrate, which includes 15 events that commemorate women’s achievements, while identifying current gender equality issues. Such events include a film festival showing Native-produced film and video projects, a panel discussion focusing on women’s roles in faith traditions on our campus, and an open forum discussing issues that UNL staff women face. 

While this week is a special time to honor women’s accomplishments, the Women’s Center located at the Union is active all year, and strive to help students get the most out of their UNL experience. 

For a full list of events, visit http://involved.unl.edu/womens-week.