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A healthy Thanksgiving Dinner

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNL chapter.

“Why do I have to opt out on a good holiday dinner?” Have you ever wanted to eat a certain food, but you know that you would regret it later? Well I’m here to tell you that there is a solution to your problems. Yup, you heard it! Thanks to CookingLight, we can create tons of great and healthy food for this thanksgiving. Recipes that range from a Spice-Rubbed Smoked Turkey with Roasted-Pear Stuffing and Cranberry Syrup to a Pumpkin-Maple Pie. And the best part of it is that you no longer have to regret the decision of eating something that tastes so delicious. For the whole list of recipe list visit http://www.cookinglight.com. Enjoy and Happy Thanksgiving!