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5 Reasons You Need A Pet Plant

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNL chapter.

Lana, Lil Cacti, Basil, Leo, and Aloe – all names of my beloved plants. If you have a pet plant already, you know how attached you can become. If not, you need to head to Earl May ASAP. If you want a dog, or, dare I say it, CHILD, one day, it might be a good idea to start off with being a parent to one of the most basic life forms – a plant.

1. They help purify your musty dorm/apartment room air.

Don’t pretend like I’m not right – sometimes when you come home you just feel like the air you’re breathing has been sitting there since 1990. Ew. Plants are definitely your friend in this case. Plants can help purify the air of toxins like benzene, formaldehyde, and other gross chemicals you shouldn’t be breathing.

2. They can help you save money at the grocery store.

Plants aren’t just for decoration, you know. Basil, Cilantro, Parsley, and Peppermint are just a few of the fresh herbs that you can easily grow at home.

3. They’re trendy.

Not only are plants good for your health, and your stomach, they add instant color and decoration to your white-walled room. You can make colorful pots, or hang them from the ceiling in a macramé planter. You can even get colorful cacti or make a bright succulent garden.

4. They teach responsibility.

If you can’t care for a plant, you definitely can’t care for a dog. A plant is a great place to start your parenting role because they’re inexpensive and can last forever if you take care of them right.

5. They keep you grounded.

When you’re stressing to the max and complaining about how hard your life is, plants can be a gentle reminder that you aren’t the only one trying to make it in this world. If your plant can keep growing even if you do forget to water it for 2 weeks, you can get your essay finished. 

Having a plant just makes you feel like youre a responsible adult who has their life together (key word: feel). 

A twenty-year-old international business student with dreams much bigger than my 5'1 self. Slightly obsessed with Germany, Lana Del Rey, and cookie butter.