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What It’s Like Being a Big Sister

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNH chapter.

what it’s like to be a big sister

 Being a big sister, I love and hate it at the same time. If you are a big sister you know. In my case having a little sister on top of being the older sister makes our relationship stronger. When we were younger all we ever did was hang out with each other, we were each other’s best friend. Playing Barbie was the obvious choice of activity to do because someone had to be the prince, which was usually me. We would always have sleepovers because she was always afraid of the dark and wanted a buddy, just like on the school bus, she needed a bus ride buddy and I was that person. I never complained about it because I knew that was my job, to take care of my little sister. Most big sisters and their younger siblings have their own inside jokes. It’s just something that happens, and you usually end up having them forever, it’s pretty awesome. In sixth grade I was her protection against boys who to this day still have cooties, and would protect her from the mean girls on the playground, which in elementary school was a jungle. But, everything I would do she would have to do, everything I wore she wanted the same thing or would constantly steal it. I would get so upset that she was following me with my friends and would make her stay home.

Now that we are older, we don’t play with Barbie’s anymore, but now we play the same sports, have the same best friends and are still each other’s best friend. Getting older has put more bumps in the road especially when it comes to hot commodities like clothes, half of which I took coming to college, who gets the bathroom first and even who rides shot gun in the car. But being away from home and not getting into those little fights or doing each other’s hair and makeup, being her chauffer to school and practice and having my built in gym buddy does make me want to go home and hang out with my best friend again. You share these things with them and then when one of you goes away you realize how important they really are.

I’m sure that as soon as walk in the door and begin the six weeks of winter break at home I will be asked the same old questions, “where is that top”, “can you drive me to my friend’s house”, and I can almost guarantee that I will have to get rid of some bug in her room that she is absolutely terrified of. But after a semester living with two other girls who are not my sister, it will be nice to come back and see her and talk about what we have missed being apart and I’m sure that it will end in some sort of inside joke. 

This is the general account for the University of New Hampshire chapter of Her Campus! HCXO!