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Pros and Con of Being in a Relationship in College

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNH chapter.

When single people think of relationships, they typically think of the easy days and the endless amounts of love and affection. What single people tend to forget is that relationships aren’t always easy. Relationships are hard in college for many reasons, especially if there is distance. On the other hand, relationships can also be the most amazing experience in college. Here is some pros and cons of being in a relationship in college:


1. Always worrying what the other is doing 

Trust is obviously important and absolutely necessary in college, but when your boyfriend/girlfriend goes to a different college than you, you cant help but think about what they’re doing, and if they are doing something wrong. Even if you go to the same college, you are still presented with the same worrying factor.

2. Partying isn’t as fun/not what it used to be

Obviously partying isn’t all about finding a boy/girl or anything like that, but it still seems different. You have the intentions of going out and dancing with your friends but for some reason they seem to be having a better time than you.

3. You miss them a lot when you are at school

If you go to different colleges you are constantly missing them. Whenever you have free time you are thinking about how you could be with them and wondering what they are doing, which makes things sad at times.

4. You can’t be selfish

In college you think about yourself and only yourself. With a relationship this gets a little difficult because you want to have the ability to do whatever you want and not have to worry about anyone but yourself. But with a relationship, you have to think about the other person and consider them with a lot of the things you do.

5. May affect your grades

You can say all you want that you would never let someone come in between your grades, but the reality is if you are given the opportunity to skip class and hang with your boy/girl then you most likely will skip that day of class. Why do homework when you could watch a movie with your special someone? This can be tough and definitely bad.


1. Always have someone to listen to you

When you are just having a bad day, and you want to rant all day about something they are always there to listen to your stories and talk you through it. Even if something wicked awesome happened that day, you have someone to share with and have them be happy for you.

2. Have a best friend that isn’t just one of your girl/guy friends

Having someone who isn’t in your friend group know everything about you and everything about what is going on is awesome. They are always there to give you sane, not influenced advice.

3. Always having someone to stay in with

Those weekends where you just aren’t feeling going out and being with everyone, you always have them to stay in with and just relax on the couch in your pj’s.

4. Having someone who wants nothing but the best for you

They have nothing but good intentions for everything you do. They are always wanting you to do what’s best and helping you no matter what it is. They always want you to be the best that you can be, which makes it easier to believe in yourself.

5. Can experience all the crazy college things together

You will be joking on the weekdays about the crazy stuff you both did the weekend before. College is supposed to be the best time of your life, getting to experience that with your boyfriend/girlfriend makes it all a little better. Experiencing new things together, and old things differently.

You should never let college stand between you and your love life. If you want to be with someone, do it. Don’t let the fear of missing out in college stop you because you will not be missing out the slightest bit. In the end,  you will be experiencing something that most people would love to have. College relationships have ups and downs, but just like anything in life does.

Khrystian Fawcett. UNH Sophomore, IT major.
This is the general account for the University of New Hampshire chapter of Her Campus! HCXO!