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An Open Letter to the Guy Who Has My Heart

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNH chapter.

Dear Boyfriend,

Many a times have I tried to find the words to describe how I feel about you. No words or clichés could do it justice, and after meeting you, I never thought I’d even be in the position to try to explain how much you mean to me. But this letter is dedicated to you, because you hold my heart and all the love that comes with it.  

I remember the first day you talked to me, it was to wish me a happy birthday and I didn’t think anything of it, but then you kept the conversation going which was surprising and I was skeptical. You texted me the next day too and talked to me some more, and the following days as well, until texting you was a part of my everyday and if we went the majority of the day without talking, it was weird and incomplete. Finally you asked me on a date and I was a nervous wreck. The butterfly species had been made extinct because they were now all in my stomach.  But the date came and went and it wasn’t at all awkward, just instead full of laughing and getting to know each other and two years later I have so much to thank you for.


The memories:

These two years are packed with memories that I’ll always keep locked in my mind. Whether it’s a song, a place, or recalling them with you, they never fail to make me smile and remind me why I am so lucky. I use them to make myself happy, on days where I miss you incredibly or days where I am upset and it never fails.


Treating me like a princess:

I never thought I’d be the kind of girl to get weak at the knees whenever I was called princess, but the way you whisper it in my ear, as you tell me love me, makes me feel so special, and the actions you do to prove those words true would make any Disney princess jealous. And its not big or major actions either, it’s the little stuff like telling me to drive safe when I’m behind the wheel, or buying me mac and cheese when I crave it, playing with my hair without having me ask, or letting me pick what we watch even if you hate it.


Being my crying shoulder:

It comes across as seemless, the way you do so much for me without blinking an eye, but you’re my hero and I wish I told you that more. You’re the first to offer open arms when I need them, a shoulder to cry on when I am upset, the one to give me advice and help. I’ve even noticed that if I am not at my best, you too are not the happiest you could be, because you’ve made it so that my wellbeing impacts you and it shows how much you care about me. Your chest where I lay is my safe place and you make it your job to protect me no matter if I truly need it or not. You help me through so much and I know I can always count on you. Through good days and bad, you’re there every time.


Letting me be myself:

I’ve never felt more comfortable around a person than the way I feel around you. I can act goofy, silly, or even ratchet and you’ll still claim your love for all of me. I am not afraid to act the way I want to or to say the things I want. I have nothing to hide or be ashamed of, and that’s not something I find in the other relationships I have with my friends or even family. I am me in my entirety all because of you.


Being my biggest fan:

The things I experience wouldn’t mean half as much if I didn’t have you to share them with. If it’s simply good news, an award, or any accomplishments at all, you over celebrate them and make them important. One of my favorite memories was telling you I got accepted to my number one college in a Chili’s parking lot. You ran towards me to close the distance between us, picked me up and swung me around, embarrassing me in front of the people in the parking lot but nonetheless made my moment that much more special. Knowing you’re there and having you cheer for me every day is something I think I take for granted, but it is really one of the best feelings I will ever experience.  

Making me feel beautiful:

This one I tend to have issues with on my own, yet you’ve made it your job to change my views. Whether its when I’m all dressed up, makeup fully done, or just in leggings and a sweater, you’ll drop your jaw when you see me, which gets you an eye roll if I know I look like poop, but your reactions have those butterflies come back each time. Or I’ll wake up next to you, my hair all crazy and eye crusties taking over, and you’ll still give me a kiss and tell me I look beautiful. I question your sanity but I love how it makes me feel.


Putting me before yourself:

I can’t remember a time when you haven’t made sure you’re the one driving us around, or letting me choose what we watch or where we go to eat. If I am upset and take it out on you, you’ll be my punching bag, knowing its what I need in the moment and you’ll stay and calm me down even though you don’t need to take it. If I’ve told you I want to get certain things done during the day, you’ll check back in at night to make sure I have, making it one of your priorities in your busy schedule. You always make sure I am happy, healthy, and safe before going about your day and I appreciate it so much.


Our dates:

I love all of our dates, from the one’s where we just sit cuddled in your basement watching movies, or the ones where we treat ourselves to a night out, getting dressed up and eating an expensive meal. Both are always filled with us being wicked silly and making one another laugh and smile all through the night. My time spent with you is so precious and it never matters to me what we do as long as we are together.


You make me a better person:

You force me to challenge myself, individually and in our relationship. I have the tendency to quit or give up easily and you push me to keep going, no matter how small and unimportant or big and meaningful it is. You encourage me to always do well and to make the best choices, because you’ve seen my potential since the first day we met.


For trusting me:

One of the biggest reasons that made me fall so hard for you, so fast, was you trusting me and telling me such intimate details of your life. I admit I was a little intimidated because you started doing it early in our relationship, but you telling me made me feel special and like you really wanted to get close and connect on a deep level. We skipped over the small talk and instead focused on what really mattered and it clearly showed your trust in me and made me trust you.


Being my best friend:

I wouldn’t be where I am or who I am without you having been by my side. You’re my boyfriend sure, but really my best friend and I will always love you and everything you do for me. You are a huge part of me, not just my life My heart skips a beat when I’m with you or simply when I am thinking of you and I wouldn’t replace the love and what it gives me for anything in the world. It’s what I treasure most


Making me feel loved:

When it’s all said and done your affection for me shows every minute of every day. Through your words, actions, or when I catch you staring at me when you thought I wasn’t paying any attention, I feel special, appreciated, trusted, desired, and so loved. And I love you back, more than there are stars in this universe, more than the energy I have in me to try and show or tell you. It comes across as effortless, the way we are so happy together, filling every moment being ourselves, yet its one of the most rewarding things I have in my life. You’re one of the most important people in in my life, and I am absolutely blessed to have met you and to call you my boyfriend. 


This is the general account for the University of New Hampshire chapter of Her Campus! HCXO!